英语人>网络例句>叛军 相关的搜索结果


与 叛军 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During the Batavian rebellion (69/70), IV Macedonica secured Mainz and fought under Potillius Cerealis against the rebels.

在69-70年的Batavian起义当中,第四"马其顿尼卡"军团在Potillius Cerealis指挥下,保卫美因茨并抵抗叛军

The Belgic Confession was written by de Brs in 1561 primarily as a testimony to the Spanish king to prove that the Reformed believers were not rebels, as was charged, but law-abiding citizens who professed only those doctrines which were the teachings of Holy Scripture.


The rebel leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, approved of Mr Rajapakse's bellicosity; he had also had enough of foreign peace efforts.


Supporters of the rebel leader Jean-Pierre Bemba were circulating in the streets of Kinshasa, saying they had been cheated.


Several hours later, near the city's Sacre Coeur church, one of his main opponents in the presidential race, former Uganda-backed rebel leader, Jean-Pierre Bemba also expressed confidence, while his supporters cheered him on.

几小时后,在城市的Sacre Coeur 教堂附近,他的总统竞选主要对手之一,前乌干达支持的反叛军首领Jean-Pierre Bemba 也表达了必胜的信心,同时他的支持者给予鼓励。

Several hours later, near the city's Sacre Coeur church, one of his main opponents in the presidential race, formerUganda-backed rebel leader, Jean-Pierre Bemba also expressed confidence, while his supporters cheered him on.

几小时后,在该市的Sacre Coeur教堂附近,总统竞选中卡比拉的主要对手之一,乌干达支持的前叛军领袖让-皮埃尔·本巴(Jean-Pierre Bemba),在其支持者的欢呼声中也表达了他获胜的信心。

In December 2004, Mr Bozizé asked the ICC to investigate the atrocities allegedly committed by Mr Patassé's and Mr Bemba's men, explaining that the CAR's own courts had no jurisdiction over those outside the country.


During those five months of conflict, Mr Patassé enlisted the support of rebel troops from the Congo, led by Jean-Pierre Bemba, and mercenaries from Chad and Libya to help defend his capital, Bangui.

在那长达五个月的兵变冲突之中,帕塔塞先生从刚果谋求到了由让-皮埃尔?本巴(Jean-Pierre Bemba)领导的叛军的支持,并招募到了来自乍得与利比亚的雇佣军来帮助他捍卫中非首都班吉。

The government says it doesn't believe Kurdish rebels were responsible and some sources have blamed the dispute, or a blood feud between families.


The crisis will alarm neighbouring India, which has a strategic interest in this buffer state's stability and which was deeply concerned by the links between the Maoists and Naxalite rebels in India during the civil war.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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