英语人>网络例句>变形的 相关的搜索结果


与 变形的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper,Laterite soil adjacent to some stake of the highway in Chenzhou, Hunan section from Xiamen to Chengdu was used to investigate the deformation characteristics and protection methods of the Laterite soil subgrade under the influence of environment factors.Properties like water-holding capacity,capillary rise, coupled heat-moisture transfer and wetting deformation of samples under different compactness were studied through a series of laboratory tests.In addition,by using meteorological data of two consecutive years in Chenzhou,coupled process of moisture transfer and subgrade deformation was stimulated under the impacts of groundwater and the atmosphere.Specific work done in this paper is as follows:(1) Samples under different compactness were subjected to a series of conventional laboratory tests,such as permeability,consolidation,contraction,shear test and etc.


Through the experiments of three kinds of models mentioned above, the structural deformations of "outflow-extension","strike-slip-extension" and "uplifting-extension" are studied and some viewpoints involving that the plastic flow in the lower lithosphere controls the extensional structures are stated as follows:(1) Regional extensional structure does not result from the direct extension along the upper crust, but from the plastic flow in the lower lithosphere and its dragging and stretching the upper crust;(2) Deformation of continental extensional structure resulted from the active uplifting of mantle is conditional that the significant extension occurs only in the models with free- or outflow-boundary condition on both sides, whereas the passive uplining of mantle exists widely, because it is an inevitable consequence of the efiect of thermo-gravity isostasy;(3) Strike-slip shearing in the lower ductile lithosphere, including site-restricted and site-unrestricted shearing, can result in various types of extension structures;(4) The"graben-horst"type extensional structures can be formed in difierent mechanisms, including outnow-extension, shear-extension, uplifting-extension and their synthetical action.


Analyzed on the tunnels that used EPB method in different soils, the more logical three-dimensional finite element model is based, which can reality represented the soil transfiguration. 3 Due to the engineering example, a 3D FEM simulation model was founded. The model was used to study the rules of soil deformation and surface settlement during shield tunneling. 4 The characteristics of loess include the module, conglutination force and inner friction angle of the loess, affected the soil deformation. 5 The influence factors to the surface settlements such as the depth of soil, the outer diameter of the shield tunnel, the released stress at the cutting face, the fill ratio of the shield tail void, pouring-slurry press, thrusts and lengths of shield and digging steps were studied using the FEM method. References is brought forward in the loess areas of Xi'an was proposed.

通过对不同土质条件下盾构法进行地铁隧道施工的有限元分析,全面反映盾构推进对土体变形的影响情况; 3根据有关勘测资料,建立合理的盾构法施工三维非线性有限元模型,对盾构法施工引起的地层变位和地表位移情况进行计算,分析了盾构施工引起的地层变形规律和地面沉降规律; 4研究了黄土特性(地基模量、粘聚力和内摩擦角)对盾构法施工中土体变形的影响; 5利用三维有限元对盾构施工过程中影响地面沉降的因素(覆土厚度、隧道外径、开挖面压力变化量、注浆压力、盾尾空隙填充率、开挖步长、盾构机的长度和推进力等)进行研究,为今后西安地区地铁的建设提供参考。

To establish the constitutive equation of material, the metric tensor for stress , strain and their transformation equations between different configurations are derived, and basic theory of finite deformation as well as elasto-plastic deformation criterion are studied. By analyzing the applicability of different element models, four-node quadrilateral degenerated Mindlin isoparametric element is adopted because of its good versatility, and the element stiffness matrix is derived. The static implicit elasto-plastic finite element equation for complex skin stretch-forming is put forward based on Updated Langrange formulation.


It is shown that the effect of dynamic thermal tensioning by trailing intensive cooling is greatly influenced by the heat-dissipating conditions of the fixtures.Without uniform preheating it is difficult for trailing intensive cooling alone to create a saddle-shaped temperature field and the mechanism of reducing distortion is equivalent to the decrease of welding heat input. While combined with uniform preheating ,dynamic thermal tensioning comes into being to some degree and the effect of reducing distortion increases obviously.


For giving an explaintion of strong transmogrification but feebleness metamorphism of and their corresponding relation of the Triassic stratum in Songpan-Ganzi area and opening out the temperature and stress condition, this paper summarized study production of predecessors, and put forward 5 conclusions about Songpan-Ganzi area Triassic main lithology(slate, sandrock,and blastopsammitic) through field geological investigation , actual measurement section plane study and combining indoor slice identification , electron probing and fluid enclosure testing analysis:1.Field outcrop strongly transmogrification, and often developed same cleavages(S1) erection or approximately erection 'B'fold and symmetry similituded fold. 2.The metamorphosed mineral combination is simple, and the typical metamorphosed mineral combination is Al+Chl+Ser+Cc+Q, etc. The metamorphosed mineral develops mainly along the cleavages of the territorial cleavages faces(S1), bearing territorial dynamic metamorphism character and belonging to the lawsonite-albite-chlorite face of slightly metamorphism. 3.Territorial metamorphism P-T change focus on T:180~200oC, P:1~2kbar

为了对松潘-甘孜地区三叠系强变形浅变质的特征及变质与变形的对应关系作出解释,揭示变质与变形的温-压条件,本论文总结前人研究成果,通过野外地质调查和实测剖面研究,结合室内薄片鉴定、电子探针和流体包裹体测试分析,对松潘-甘孜地区三叠系主体岩性(板岩、砂板岩、变质砂岩及千枚岩)的变质作用得出5 个认识结论:1、整个松潘-甘孜地区经受了自北向南的强大挤压;2、变质矿物组合简单,除雏晶黑云母外,典型的变质矿物组合为Al+Chl+Ser+Cc+Q等,变质矿物主要沿区域性劈理面(S1)的劈理域发育,具有区域动力变质作用特征,属于低级变质作用中的硬柱石-钠长石-绿泥石相;3、区域变质作用P-T 变化集中在T:180~200oC,P:1~2kbar

Based on the further study of deformation rule of MgO-mixed concrete, the theory of 3-D finite element simulation analysis of MgO-mixed concrete arch dam is discussed in this dissertation combining with the example of YangChun MgO-mixed concrete arch dam. Moreover, the pertinent simulation analysis software is developed by the author and his colleagues. The main contents are as follows.( 1 ) Transformation rules of MgO-mixed concrete are studied. Hyperbola model of MgO-mixed concrete"s autogeny deformation, especially deduce of the model"s parameter and building process of the model are analyzed in detail.


In this model, the skeletal storage coefficient was used for coupling, different storage coefficient were used for the calculation of storage change of aquifer and interbeds, the elastic and inelastic skeletal coefficients were used to account for the elastic and inelastic deformation, a one-dimensional diffusion equation was used for describing the delayed dissipation of unequilibrated heads within the interbeds, these make the model not only be able to simulate the elastic and inelastic deformation of soil, but also the delay phenomenon.


From the view of initial deformation,the dual intercrossed iterative method is developed to determine the initial deformations of cables and hangers,sequential method based on initial deformations to simulate the tensioning process in batches,and converse iterative method in sequential anal.


A spring-block model to forecast the movement of sliding body is presented, in which the deformation and speed inhomogeneousness of sliding mass, the energy conversion and dissipation and the friction on the slip surface are also considered. The deformation of single sliding body in the whole sliding process can be determined by numerical method.


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