英语人>网络例句>变形的 相关的搜索结果


与 变形的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The deformation mechanism is mainly the single-slip and cross-ship, the fracture mechanism is mainly the congregation of transgranular micro-hole, and large uniform deformation occurred before tough fracture, and therefore, the ability of plastic deformation and the mechanical properties of the material were remarkably improved. These fully indicate that the new melt-treatment developed in this work is an effective and advanced technique, and further testify that the improvement of metallurgical quality of the material is the key to enhance its mechanical properties, especially its plastic deformation performance. The results of tensile and compression tests at elevated temperature also indicate that the suitable hot-working temperature range is 400~450℃. 4. A steady-state plastic flow exists during the plastic deformation of the aluminum sheet used for pressure can at elevated temperature. A hyperbolic sine relationship can be satisfied between the steady-state flow stress and strain rate by introducing an Arrhenius term which involves some thermal activation parameters, i.


As for coseismic deformation of Chi-Chi earthquake, the footwall of Chelungpu Fault moved southeastwards 0.3-1.5 m, and the value was increasing toward the fault; the hanging wall moved northwestwards 1.4-7.0 m, but the value was smaller south of the Choshui River. After the Chi-Chi earthquake, the hanging wall of Chelungpu Fault was still moving west-northwestwards and kept uplifting, while the footwall gradually changed direction from ESE to WSW or even WNW, clockwise resuming to inter-seismic deformation pattern. It is interesting to notice that despite the largest coseismic deformation in the northernmost segment of Chelungpu Fault, the post-seismic deformation peaked around the epicenter of Chi-Chi earthquake.

集集地震之同震变形,在车笼埔断层下盘向东南方向位移0.30~1.5 m,且越靠近断层位移量越大;车笼埔断层上盘则向西北方向大幅位移约1.4~7.0 m,浊水溪以南的位移量较小;集集地震以后之震后变形型态,以车笼埔断层为分界,上盘在震后向西北西方向位移的型态仍与同震时相同,下盘由同震时一致性的向东南东方向,逐步向西北西或西南西方向位移,亦即在车笼埔断层下盘有逐步依顺时针方向回归至震间的滑移型态;另就位移速率而言,虽然同震变形最大地区在车笼埔断层北端,但其震后的变形量最大地区,却集中於震央位置附近;就地震循环而言,震后的6年期间仍处於地层压密重整阶段,尚未回归至该区震间阶段的位移状态。

5The failure strains of cement-soil are calculated, and initial tangent modulusand average deformation modulus of cement-soil with same cement mixing content arecalculated. Then fit them with strength. The relation between ultimate deformationmodulus and strength, cement-soil of same curing period, is fitted too. The conclusionis that deformation modulus of cement-soil with some stock-still time are close to thesewhich compacted without stock-still time.


Based on the geomorphy, geology, and deformation-failure features of Shiliushubao landslide, as well as the slope movement monitoring dada of more than 10 years, the influence factors and the deformation development process are studied. The deformation development tendency was predicted by using the GM (1, 1) model. This paper provides some useful data for the measures of landslide prevention and the design of landslide treatment.

本文在调查分析石榴树包滑坡形态特征、结构特征及变形破坏特征的基础上,基于滑坡10多年的变形监测资料,研究了石榴树包滑坡的影响因素和变形演化特征和规律,并利用灰色GM(1, 1)模型预测了滑坡的变形发展趋势,为滑坡减灾防灾实践和滑坡治理方案的设计提供了依据。

Applying the theory of deformation partitioning to this area, the author discuss the relationship between deformation and porphyroblast growth, and get the conclusion of the sequence of deformation and metamorphism. At the first time we measure the distribution of chemical composition within the porphyroblast by XRF and confirm the theory of deformation partitioning quantitative.


The results show that the alloy undergoes obvious plastic elongation, the specimen fractures into four sections and the diameter changes from 16 mm to 12 mm. The fracture surfaces distribute randomly well developed and partially developed veinal patterns. The deformation behavior of alloy is non-Newtonian flow behavior. About 3% amorphous matrix of extruded specimen transforms crystal, the crystal particles with size of 10-20 mm are precipitated in the amorphous matrix, the thermostability of the extruded specimen was lowered. The failure of the alloy is mainly attributed to non-uniform viscous flow under high strain rate resulting from the hydrostatic extrusion process.

结果表明:非晶合金在高应变速率下产生了明显的塑性变形,直径从16 mm变为12 mm,断裂为4段,且样品断口上随机分布着充分发展与未充分发展的脉纹式切变带,由此可看出非晶合金的变形为非牛顿体变形行为;挤压后的样品约有3%的非晶相发生晶化,在非晶基体上析出10~20 nm的纳米晶粒,导致挤压后非晶合金的热稳定性降低;静液挤压高应变速率变形条件使非晶合金产生非均匀流变,是造成非晶合金断裂的主要原因。

Cylinder, the cylinder sets of radial a surplus deformation of the cylinder sets a great impact on the cylinder liner reduced radial a surplus amount to reduce the deformation of the cylinder sets, the top surface of the body decreases roughness, but it will increase the body on the plane cylinder only mouth the roughness ; Preload reduced cylinder head bolt deformation of the cylinder liner little effect, the body can reduce the top surface roughness and cylinder body on the plane I ended roughness; Shen appropriate reduced cylinder head bolt hole deep can reduce the deformation of the cylinder sets, but will cause the body and the top surface roughness on the cylinder body only I roughness increases Plane .


However, they suffer from the problem of stiction, so, how to control the stiction for the successful manufacturing of MEMS segmented deformable micromirrors has become a difficult problem.


A power law between the propagation velocity of the band and the strain is discovered. For the bands of type A and B, which propagate almost continuously, the propagation velocity keeps a good linear increasing trend with the increasing applied strain rate.


In analysis, the whole deformation system is assumed to be composed of the rigid crosssection deformation, the warping deformation produced by torsion, and the deformation in the direction within the cross-section, in which, the torsional deformation effects are well considered.


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