英语人>网络例句>变形的 相关的搜索结果


与 变形的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the elastic theory of large deflection and by taking into account the variation of the axial force and its effects on bending deformation of the drillstring in vertical section,the vibration of the drillstring induced by fluctuating weight-on-bit is described by a parametrically excited system.A Mathieu equation describing the system is established by Galerkin Method.By extending the solution into a Fourier series,the curves of dynamic bifurcation values and the dynamically unstable regions surrounded by the curves are presented.


This approach is base on the following idea:under not effect to the deformation of rectangular pipe,to change right angle to obtuse angle which is variant as some regular,make plain-barreled roll pass receive vertical roll shape pipe blank,and then let pipe blank entering into vertical roll pass.With continuous deformation, the difference between diagonal line of rhombus pass will be reduced to zero,finally changed into a square.


It isconfirmed by ~1H NMR,~(13)C NMR and X-ray crystallographic analysis that complexes 60-63are monopyridine complexes and show distorted square pyramid geometries; complexes 64and 65 are bispyridine complexes and show pseudo-octahedral geometries, where twopyridine ligands are in cis arrangement and trans to the NHC and the benzylidene ligandrespectively, the bond length between ruthenium and pyridine ligand trans to the benzylideneligand is 16 pm longer than the bond length between ruthenium and pyridine ligand trans tothe NHC ligand.

1H NMR、~(13)C NMR及X射线单晶衍射分析证明,配合物60-63是单吡啶衍生物配位的钌卡宾配合物,具有变形的四方锥构型;配合物64、65为双吡啶衍生物配位的钌卡宾配合物,具有变形的八面体构型,其中两个顺式配位的吡啶衍生物分别处于氮杂环卡宾和苯亚甲基的反位,处于苯亚甲基反位的吡啶衍生物对应的钌-氮键长要比处于氮杂环卡宾反位的长出16 pm。

In the 2A1 distorted trigonal bipyramid structure ,the single non equivalent Ga atom has the population of 4s 4p ,while the two equivalent Ga atoms have the population of 4s 4p .this compares with a Ga population of 4s 4p in the undistorted D3h structure ,hence the jahn-teller distortion causes depletion of the charge density on the 4s orbital of the non-equivalent Ga atom, and enhancement of charge density on the 4s orbital for the two equivalent atoms .an opposite trend is observed for the 4p orbitals of these Ga atoms .the P population for the two equivalent atoms is 3s 3p .the populations of the other 2B1 state with the edge-capped tetrahedral structure are similar with the exception that all three Ga atoms have similar but not identical populations .

在2A1被变形的三角bipyramid结构,唯一非等效Ga原子有4s 4p的人口,而二个等效Ga原子在未变形的D3h结构有4s 4p 。this的人口和4s相比4p的Ga人口,因此jahn出纳畸变在non-equivalent Ga原子的4s轨道导致电荷密度的取尽,并且电荷密度的改进在4s轨道为二个等效原子。an在趋向对面对这些Ga原子4p轨道被观察。the人口为二个等效原子是另一个2B1状态3s 3p 。the人口与边缘加盖的四面体结构是相似的P 除之外全部三个Ga原子有相似,但不相同人口。

In this paper the author overviews mass magnesia concrete dam thchnical origin, the present status here and abroad, and available primal problems; descripts theexpansive character of magnesia concrete, fundamental force performances and long-term lasting quality, derivates all the equations of temperature field and temperature stress field, analysises the existing canonic calculating autogenous volume deformation model of the micro-expansive concrete, at last select the expansion model of dynamics for calculating.


So, on the basis of systemically study of summarizing the history of geothermometer, geobarometer, P-T paths, relationship between the metamorphic and deformation and the geochemistry of paracelsian, the author studied the character of mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry and discussed the basic geological problem, relationship between metamorphism and deformation.


Ore deposit, have been studied detailly; the orebody pattern (sedimental bedded ores combined with stringer ores of hydrothermal origin) is also outlined; four metallogenic epoches are devided; the zoning of mineralization (including zones of ores, elements, mineral assemblages and temperature of mineralization) have been depicted; the main types of wall-rock alteration are characterized as propylitization of basic rocks and pyritization-sericitization-silicification of acidic pyroclastic rocks; the origin of ores and seven kinds of main minerals have been studied; and the metamorphism and deformation of orebodies is thought mainly due to the shearing and the intrusion of subvolcanic rocks


As load increases, deformation advances and relative locations among particles are regulated constantly, then, the balance of restituting old damage and producing new one will get gradually, and the creep will go on at the same rate eventually.


Based on the theory of two-phase fluids dynamics, the general governing equation is established, which is applied to the fields of seepage, consolidation and deposit. For the first time, the mechanics properties of the soil affected by seepage are studied by the means of experiment. The problems of the modified indexes of mechanics and constitutive relation are solved due to the formulations obtained of mechanics parameter under seepage condition. Applied fuzzy theory and modern project design method, the fuzzy probability model for stability analysis is stetted up; Considered variation of mechanics parameter and curtain effect, the deformation patterns of deep execution are systematically analyzed.


Sliding of grains boundary and interface was a main mechanism of superplastic deformation of metal matrix composite. Dislocation did major action to coordinate this two sort of slidings, in the meantime, stacking-faults and twin-crystals did asistant action.


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