英语人>网络例句>变均匀 相关的搜索结果


与 变均匀 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A study of phase morphology of PBT/POE-g-MAH/nano-CaCO3 composite by means of scanning electron microscopy showed that the domains size of nano-CaCO3 capsulated by POE-g-MAH elastomer in composite when PBT was mixed directly with POE-g-MAH and nano-CaCO3 together or with nano-CaCO3 capsulated by POE-g-MAH elastomer is large.


The fundamental imaging features of osteosarcoma were showed bone destruction, periosteal reaction, neoplastic bone and soft-tissue mass. Among 49 cases examined by radiography, osteoblastic pattern sarcoma was found in 19 cases, osteolytic pattern sarcoma was found in 13 cases and mixed pattern sarcoma was found in 17 cases. The detection rates of bone destruction, periosteal reaction, soft-tissue mass, neoplastic bone and Codman triangle by radiography were respectively 61.2%, 95.9%, 71.4%, 73.5%and 27.7%. All 10 cases with CT scan were showed bone destruction, soft - tissue mass and neoplastic bone. The detection rates of periosteal reaction,憇ieve sign挶 and Codman triangle with CT scan were respectively 90%, 90% and 11%. The tiny neoplastic bone and"sieve sign"were showed sensitively by CT, but Codman triangle was showed by radiography superior to CT.32 cases with MRI scan presented the normal marrow was replaced by the tumor, which was showed low to intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted images and promiscuity signal intensity on T2-weighted images. 7 cases presented hemorrhage and 24 cases presented necrosis.


It is found that the overall heat transfer will be increased if there are more heat transfer area in the diagonal region starting from the crosspoint of two streams for crossflow heat exchanger.


Non uniform B spline, big deflective spline, fair methods of separated points, and transcendental functions etc.


Proper pre-deformation will make T1 phase distribute more dispersively and homegeneously, greatly improving the tensile properties of the alloy.


According to Fermat's theory and variational calculation, the mathematical model of sound path in dissymmetrical temperature field is established. Furthermore, the sound path equation is solved.


The attenuation values at unenhanced and enhanced CT of the tumor were also recorded. Results The 32 cases adrenal neoplasms included 9 cases with aldosterone-producing adenoma, 5 hydrocortisone-producing adenomas, 1non-functional adenoma, 5 cortical hyperplasies,4 pheochromocytomas,2 adenocarcinomas, 3 metastases, 1 fibroneuroma, 1 ganglioneuroma and 1 myelolipomas. Conclusion The characteristics on CT images are associated with the pathological feature in adrenal neoplasms.

结果 醛固酮腺瘤9例,体积较小且密度低,增强后轻度增强;皮质醇腺瘤5例,瘤体较大,边界清,密度略低于正常肾上腺组织;无功腺瘤1例;结节增生5例,为等或稍低密度影,增强后强化较明显;嗜铬细胞瘤4例,体积较大,密度不均,可见多个囊变坏死区;皮质腺癌2例,肿块形态不规则,边缘模糊,密度不均匀,易发生大片坏死及点状钙化;转移瘤3例;神经纤维瘤、神经节瘤及髓性脂肪瘤各1例。

Results Microscopically, different degrees of hepatocytic degenerative changes and hyperplasic fibrous tissue and typical false lobule formation could be seen. Timm's staining result showed uneven distributed black granular deposits in the hepatocytes. No specific PAS staining was observed. Utrastructurally, the mitochondria were increased in volume and dramatically different in shape. The number of lysomes were increased.

结果 光镜下肝细胞表现为不同程度的退行性变,胶原纤维增生以及典型假小叶形成;Timm's染色阳性,发现不均匀分布黑色颗粒或团块样物质沉积;PAS染色则普遍缺乏特异性染色;超微结构显示线粒体形态多样,体积增大,溶酶体增多,粗面内质网管腔扩张,附着核糖体的脱颗粒,以及胞质水肿,质膜溶解。

Results show that the alumina formed on the corroded NiCoCrAlY coating is roughness, cracked and incontinuous and many pits was formed on the surface of the coating after the salt-spray test.

试验结果表明:经过盐雾腐蚀的涂层表面的均匀性和完整性均被破坏,涂层表面产生了大量的腐蚀坑;高温循环氧化以后,表面形成的Al2 O3 氧化膜变得粗糙、破碎且不连续,而且氧化膜容易剥落,降低了涂层的高温抗氧化能力,缩短了涂层的使用寿命

The fluctuations and phase transition properties of light intensity are investigated in Chapter 3 for a two-mode inhomogeneously broadened laser taking account of full saturation effects with multiplicative noise stemmed from disturbances in laser gain parameter.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
