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与 取边 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Take for the amount of test materials, precision that set, place beaker, unless otherwise specified, may be added 40ml of water and hydrochloric acid solution (1-2) 15ml, and then set on a magnetic stirrer, stirring allows the dissolved, together with potassium bromide 2g insert platinum - platinum electrode, it will insert the solution of the following buret tip is about 2 / 3, using sodium nitrite titration solution (0.1mol / L, or 0.05mol / L) rapid titration, side drops while stirring, to near point, Burette tip surface will be presented with a small amount of water leaching cutting-edge, lotion, and solution and continue titration slowly until the sudden deflection of galvanometer pointer, namely, titration end point.


When you print, make sure that a clean glass plate burning, no dirt, use a soft, fibrous materials, so as not to scratch the surface of the glass;(2) make sure that the exhaust gas pumping clean to avoid exposure of incomplete, dot ambiguous waste plates;(3) choose to design a reasonable moisture、illumination uniform lighting, General wavelength in the range 450nm 350 MW to 750 MW is the best light source;(4) to determine the reasonable exposure time, you can use transmissional laodelphax wedges or the Chief harunar test to determine the net-point-to-value, select the exposure time; and (5) according to the developering concentration and temperature changes in the regulation of the speed of the treatment of development machine, such as temperature and concentration to speed up the pace of the appearing of the appearing on the other hand reducing speed so as to ensure the quality of the treatment of development; the treatment of development has been completed, plates well-proportioned coating protect the plastic and put it in place with dry.


The primary objective of this study is to analyze the buckling mode of inclined lipped purlins and predict distortional buckling strengths, as compared to the consequence calculated by ANSYS.


In a factory in China before the adoption of the foreign company roller high wire because ink of exorbitance there is a problem, it shows a net volume on roller production.


SODIUM GLYCOLATE— Transfer about 500 mg of it, accurately weighed, into a 100-mL beaker, moisten thoroughly with 5 mL of glacial acetic acid, followed by 5 mL of water, and stir with a glass rod to ensure proper hydration (usually about 15 minutes). Slowly add 50 mL of acetone while stirring, then add 1 g of sodium chloride, and stir for several minutes to ensure complete precipitation of the carboxymethylcellulose.


I observ'd the poor affectionate Creature every two Minutes, or perhaps less, all the while he was here, turn'd his Head about, to see if his Father was in the same Place, and Posture, as he left him sitting; and at last he found he was not to be seen; at which he started up, and without speaking a Word, flew with that Swiftness to him, that one could scarce perceive his Feet to touch the Ground, as he went: But when he came, he only found he had laid himself down to ease his Limbs; so Friday came back to me presently, and I then spoke to the Spaniard to let Friday help him up if he could, and lead him to the Boat, and then he should carry him to our Dwelling, where I would take Care of him: But Friday, a lusty strong Fellow, took the Spaniard quite up upon his Back, and carry'd him away to the Boat, and set him down softly upon the Side or Gunnel of the Canoe, with his Feet in the inside of it, and then lifted him quite in, and set him close to his Father, and presently stepping out again, launched the Boat off, and paddled it along the Shore faster than I could walk, tho' the Wind blew pretty hard too; so he brought them both safe into our Creek; and leaving them in the Boat, runs away to fetch the other Canoe.


The existence of global weak solution for a class of generalized Ginzburg-Landau equations with an inhomogeneous boundary condition was studied. Some integral indentities of smooth solution of inhomogeneous initial boundary value problem of Ginzburg-Landau equations were deduced, by which a priori estimates of the square norm on boundary of normal derivative and the square norm of partial derivatives were obtained.


We constructed a finite volume scheme of fifth order Hermite type with high accuracy for twopoint boundary value problems, choosing trial and test spaces as the fifthorder finite element space of Hermite type and the piecewise linear function space respectively. We didn't use higher derivatives as interpolation conditions, which is the same as the thirdorder finite element of Hermite type, but the scheme obtained had higher accuracy.


It is shown that the abruptness of the displacement or deformation at a certain characteristic location and the connectedness of plastic zone are not depended on the values of elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio.


The variation rules and selection method of mechanics parameters of rock slope are important in the stability analysis and slope design.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
