英语人>网络例句>取边 相关的搜索结果


与 取边 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Transfer 50 ml of this solution to 200-ml Erlenmeyer flask, or, if smaller aliquot is taken, dilute to about 50 ml with water. Add 10 ml 4 N H2SO4, 1 ml KI,1 drop ammonium molybdate solution, and 50 ml water. With continuous agitation, add excess of 0.00359 N Na2S2O3 (5 10 ml).

移取50毫升上述溶液于200毫升于锥形瓶中,如果取样量较少,用水稀释到50 毫升,加入10 ml 4 N H2SO4,1 ml KI, 1滴钼酸胺溶液和50毫升水,边搅拌边加入过量的0.00359 N Na2S2O3溶液(5 10 ml)。

Transforming the boundary value problem with p-Laplace operator into operator equation, giving propriety conditions for different value of p,and using an extension of Mawhin s continuation theorem,the existence of solution of a boundary value problem with p-Laplace operator is proved, and the sufficient conditions for solution existence are obtained.


The results show that the inhibition included both reversible and irreversible process. The optimal solvent for extracting FAS inhibitors is 50% ethanol.

结果表明,边茶萃取物对FAS有可逆和不可逆抑制双重作用,最佳萃取溶剂为50%的乙醇,在常温下5 h即可达到最佳萃取效果。

Analyze the failure models of rock slope, and then classify the sliding plane, the sliding plane can be divided into self-born sliding plane, appendiculate sliding plane and mixed sliding plane, furtherly summarize the selection method of mechanics parameters to each types. Based on the classification, the author establishes the mechanics model of each sliding plane.


Analyze the failure models of rock slope, and then classify the sliding plane, the sliding plane can be divided into self-born sliding plane, appendiculate sliding plane and mixed sliding plane, furtherly summarize the selection method of mechanics parameters to each types. Based on the classification, the author establishes the mechanics model of each sliding plane. Discuss the influence of water and weathering and sedimentation conditions on rock slope, and then specify the geological cause of rock bedding slope, counter-tilt rock slope and cracked rock slope.


Finally, each pair of 3 D vertices with connecting relationship is connected to form a wire frame model.

传统的空间边生成方法[3 6] 是先从已生成的空间顶点集中任取 2点连成 1条边,并将该边重新投影到 3个视图中与原视图中的各节点和线段进行匹配,若该边的投影能够分别在 3个视图中找到相对

It studied many factors such as blank holder pressure, anti-pressure, clearance between punch and bottom die, and parameters of dentiform on blank holder, analyzed the influence of these factors' change to stress and strain field in distortion area and the appearance of shear crack, summarized the appropriate ratio of blank holder pressure and anti-pressure, and the best range of other factors.


Through the comparison of the two consequence, a suggestion is given for the buckling coefficients of lipped channel beams.


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Taking "zheng zhou nissan pickup" roof for example,reasonable sequence is technologically arranged,particularly considering the difficulty on its reshaping and blank take out ① stretch forming ② towing ③ riming ④ reshaping.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
