英语人>网络例句>发芽 相关的搜索结果


与 发芽 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The effect of germination was the best under treatment of soaking for 16 h.

从4项指标的综合影响来看,苦瓜浸种16 h对发芽的效果最好。

There is a correlation of failure in germination in neighboring farms crops.


The result showed that there was no significant correlation between preharvest sprout resistance and glume hardness of synthetic hexaploidy wheat in the whole population level.


While the relationship between the resistance to preharvest sprout and its glume hardness has not been revealed in synthetic hexaploidy wheat.


Blue grama grass is drought resistant, fine textured and being adapted to this area the germination period is timed to the climate and soil temperature.


The results indicated that.the protein contents of soybean and green bean after the germination are higher than it before, But the fat contents are reduced.


Will it translate in the grimy, shadowy corners of a world where war and terrorism germinate?


The flesh hardness and gumminess were also increased (P.05) by feeding immersed or sprouted broad bean, compared with that of fish fed with formulate feed.

分别以配合饲料、浸泡蚕豆、发芽蚕豆喂养体质量为(530±20)g的草鱼 77d,以考察投饲蚕豆对草鱼生长和肌肉品质的影响。

BA and GA3 in proper concentrations were the effective hormones to induce the germination of germ tube and the germinating rate was 3.3%. When treated with 6-BA + GA3 + IBA, the germinating rate doubled compared with single hormone treatments. However, the germ tube didn't form haustorium afterwards.

结果如下: 1、适当浓度的6-BA和GA3能够诱导肉苁蓉种子萌发形成芽管,芽管萌发率仅为3.3%,6-BA + GA3 + IBA组合使种子芽管萌发率提高2倍,激素只能诱导肉苁蓉种子萌发芽管,不能进一步诱导肉苁蓉种子形成吸器。

This conclusion was very important in wheat breeding for resistance to preharvest sprout with synthetic hexaploidy wheat.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
