英语人>网络例句>发育后期的 相关的搜索结果


与 发育后期的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on statistical analysis of disced rock cores and rockburst about rock mass in exploration adit at the dam site where high ground stressis surrounded the causes of high ground stress are discussed in many respects, combined with characteristics of ground stress field, including the power source condition which is the regional tectonic setting and geological conditions, power storage conditions which is characteristic of lithology and structure of rock mass, power transformation and adjustment which is late reformation of rock mass. It is considered that high ground stress release is synthetical result caused by factors mentioned above.


The results indicated that there was no significant difference in hemolymph proteins between irradiated individuals and the controls. Only the concentration of 70kD proteins in irradiated silkworms were observed higher at day 0 of the 5th instar and lower at the later stage of the 5th instar than those of the respective controls.


The accumulating dynamic and differences of 4 husk oat varieties and 5 naked oat variety were studied in this research, and the results showed that the content of β-Glucan of husk oat varieties was higher than that of naked oat varieties, and the content of β-Glucan of Paul which was a naked oat varieties was highest, the MARION was lowest.


It has been found that a lot of gypsum and zinc bearing siderite occur on the surface of Xitieshan deposit and near ore country rocks of the upper part of the ore body.


The aberrant phenotypes were observed in the anther of tobaccotransformed with ZM401 sense construct: the inflorescence growth and floral axiselongation are suppressed; the flower buds falling or flowers abscission earlier wereobserved. The degradation of tapetum are not observed at the binucleate pollen stagewhich corresponds to the mature stage, although the tapetal cells of untransformedtobacco anther at the same stage have already degenerated completely anddisappeared.


The main characteristics of the skarn are as follows:(1)occurring as bedded,para-bedded in the contact zone between carbonate and microclastic rock,and its occurrence being accordance to the strata;(2)cut by later vein rock,so having no relation with the magmatic rock on genesis;(3)metasomatic skarn having replacement remnant texture,pseudobreccia structure,while depositional skarn,particulate crystall...

研究表明该夕卡岩的主要特征为:(1)呈层状、似层状赋存于碳酸盐岩和细碎屑岩接触带,产状与地层一致;(2 )被后期脉岩穿切,成因上与岩浆岩无关;(3)喷流交代夕卡岩具交代残余结构和假角砾状构造,而喷流沉积夕卡岩具微粒状结构、雏晶结构和层纹、条纹、条带状构造,反映了二者不同的喷流成因;(4)发育典型的低温夕卡岩矿物组合,其形成温度小于30 0℃;(5 )夕卡岩的稀土配分型式与围岩的一致。

The isonucleus-allocytoplasmic materials ms-Xinong 1376,-Xinong 1376, and ms-Xinong 1376 were used to investigate the protein expression profile in mononucleated anaphase anthers of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) after silver staining and analysis by PDQuest software. About 320 to 350 distinct protein spots were detected reproducibly.


Relative to nitrogen topdressing in prophase, it mainly due to retroposition can provide nutrients for the wheat during flowering and grouting. Another way, it can help slow down the decline in leaf area and leaf chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate during later stage, to meet the nutritional requirements during developmental stage of grains.


These results corresponded to a higher lignin content measured by the Klason method and stem strength and a lower lodging index in H4564 than in C6001 at the heading and milky stages. Therefore, the TaCM mRNA levels, protein levels, and enzyme activity in developing wheat stems were associated with stem strength and lodging index in these two wheat cultivars.

马庆虎研究组分离了在小麦茎秆中高度表达的木质素合成关键酶基因-咖啡酸甲基转移酶基因,通过生化和转基因分析证明COMT 在控制松柏醇型木质素上发挥着重要作用,COMT基因的表达在抗倒伏小麦生长发育后期明显高于易倒伏品种,这种基因的高表达进一步促进了COMT酶蛋白和酶活力的提高,并增强了木质素的合成。

Daily-growth increment of otolith and growth of Japanese parrotfish were studied and research objects were taken from Zhoushan Fishries Research Institute in April 2009. Microscopic observation was performed on the growth of the otolith during the embryonic development of artificially fertilized eggs and the formation of the first daily growth increment on otolith of larvae.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
