英语人>网络例句>发育后期的 相关的搜索结果


与 发育后期的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The morphogenesis of floral organs in both srg mutant and wild-type rice Dular (Oryza sativa L.) was observed using the scanning electron microscope. The results showed that the floral primordia were differentiated under irregular pattern in srg mutant. After regular formation of lemma and palea primordia, the floral primordium of srg formed lodicule primordia inner to both lemma and palea, followed by the formation of stamens and carpel. Alternatively, floral primordia in srg were split to form two or more floral primordia. The number and position of stamens and carpels primordia were malformed.


The floral primordium is initially circular, along with the edge of which slight concaves occur. The outmost whorl of tepal primordia arises as a result of apical meristem division and the floral primordium then is in the shape of triangle. Two further whorls of tepal primordia arise in spiral acropetal sequence and are alternately arranged. When the innermost whorl of tepal primordia is at the late developmental stage, the foremost stamen primordia arise almost simultaneously in spiral acropetal succession and all of the stamen primordia are ultimately arranged in a triangle-cone form. Late in stamen primordium development, carpel primordia arise as same as the young stamen primordia and grow laterally. Grooves are present on the adaxial side of each carpel and develop into ventral sutures gradually closing up.


RESULTS: The growth speed, weight, developmental uniformity, bionergy and fecuncity of the Bombyx silkworm descent dramatically as they eat the feed that the concentration of 2,4-DCP over 0.8 mmol L~-1 or NP exceed 0.500 mmol L~-1. But the effect on reproductive capacity vary with gender difference, it's more obvious on the late-stage of development and periods of metamorphosis such as ecolysis, pupation, edosion. There may be cumulative effect inside the Bombyx siliworm.

结果 家蚕幼虫食下含0.8 mmol·L~(-1)以上浓度的2,4-DCP或0.500 mmol·L~(-1)以上浓度的NP饲料,生长速度、生长量、发育整齐度、生命力和生殖能力都明显下降;生殖能力所受影响应性别而不同;家蚕发育后期和蜕皮、化蛹、羽化等变态时期影响更加明显,在蚕体内可能有累积作用。

The expression profiles analysis of 25 genes belonging to 8 types in different development periods of Y35 somatic embry showed, genes involved in transcription, signal transduction, cell fate, substance transport, cell and development regulation were active at early and middle stages of somatic embryogenesis, while at the stage of cotyledonary embryo maturation, the high level-expressed genes were mainly those related to storage protein, maturation and defense.

通过半定量和Real-Time PCR技术,对WRKY和MAPKK等8类25个差异表达基因在Y35体细胞胚不同发育时期的表达分析显示,转录、信号转导、细胞生长分裂、细胞命运、物质转运和多数发育调节相关基因在体细胞胚胎发生的早期或中期比较活跃,而进入子叶胚成熟后期则主要是储藏蛋白、成熟和防御相关基因大量表达。

This suggests persistent expression of SiDIV and ceasing of SiCYC1A and SiCYC1B in late peloric flower stage may generate the actinomorphic flower.


The results shows that the tapetal expanding abnormally occurs in dyadphase stage, microspore abortion occurs in the early of monokaryon stage, disaggregation in the end of monokaryon stage, only some spall of microspore is observed in monokaryon stage, the four cell walls also exist, the tapetal cells became completely vacuolated, almost filled the whole locule. vascular bundle of male sterile line anther vanish at mature pollen stage.


Using the scanning electron microscope, the starch granules were observed which gathering and stuffing in scale cell during bulb development.


The results indicated that the SS expression in sweet sorghum leaves and stems was lower at early growth stages, increased dramatically at late growth stages (flowering, grain filling, and dough stage), and reached the highest level at flowering stage.


Mysoin, the protein that allows muscle to contract, was known to be essential for the beginning of development in certain amoebas, but its importance in subsequent stages was unknown.


Compared with the ck, the sugar accumulation increased extremely significant by grafting with the wild watermelon 2, but that of the other treatments all decreased and the sugar accumulation of loofah/Zaojia was the lowest. The sucrose invertase activity decreased; the activitives of sucrose phosphate synthase and net for sucrose-metabolism enzymes all increased during the development of own-rooted and grafted watermelons.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
