英语人>网络例句>发生感觉的 相关的搜索结果


与 发生感觉的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If there is one thing I have noticed in the countless letters I've received since I wrote Unlimited Power, it is the overwhelming prevalence of this kind of disassociation in people's lives---Something that just "happened" out of their desire to avoid pain---and the hunger with which they seize upon an opportunity to feel more alive, more passionate, more electric.

在我写了Unlimited Power这本书后,从我收到的无数来信中,如果有什么引起了我的注意的话,便是人们生活中的这种分裂的惊人的普遍——有些什么事刚刚发生了,在他们一方面渴望避开痛苦,另一方面又紧紧地抓住了某个让他们感觉更有活力,更有热情,更加令人震惊的机会时。

Ed Mitchell, Moonwalker No 6: When we see ourselves in this bigger perspective — call it the ET point of view, the God point of view — a shift takes place in your perception and you start to think quite differently.


Brief Synopsis: For one and a half years, filmmakers Ulrike Franke and Michael Loeken watch as a gigantic industrial site is dismantled, documenting the stories accompanying its disappearance: how the coke workers in the industrial Ruhr Region experience the arrival and working methods of the Chinese, their feelings upon seeing their pride in their work vanish along what was the most modern coke factory in the world, but also the strain and conflicts the Chinese workers are subjected to during their 60-hour work week far away from home and family, caught between euphoria and doubts about their future.


This geographical implausibility reinforces the sense that what happens there has no connection with "real" life; Nevada cities like Reno and Carson are ranch towns, Western towns, places behind which there is some historical imperative.


So it may not be the desire to experience the "new" or "forbidden" sexual relationship, but rather the need to reexperience the intenselevel of passion and the feeling of being "in love" and all which that implies, that leads to affairs.


My daughter Amanda says that the day that they jumped on their first freight train, when she was 16, and they were in this boxcar in the middle of the night, and she stood in the doorway as they were going past Mount Shasta, while all this cold air was hitting her in the face, she said that was the moment that she felt most vibrant and capable of anything.


So they can calm even the acceptance of all this is not fair, there is no resistance, I hope that in the end of the novel can be referred to as Suomi Ya courageous resistance to this unfair, but not, the women on the grasslands of Mongolia They still suffer in silence…… read "Heijun Ma," I have a text has done, but the intention is not only a feeling, feel that what should happen again, perhaps used to look at the outcome of the lovers married bar, The tragedy of this love some are not suited.


It follows that when the two men alight in each other's territory, and go about their business and pleasure, whatever vibrations are passed back by one to his native habitat will be felt by the other, and vice versa, and thus return to the transmitter subtly modified by the response of the other party may, indeed, return to him along the other party's cord of communication, which is, after all, anchored in the placeswhereshe has just arrived; so that before long the whole system is twanging with vibrations travelling backwards and forwards between Prof A and Prof B, now along this line, now along that, sometimes beginning on one line and terminating on another.


Concurrently, the events in the Middle East clarified the sympathies in the United States as not pro-Arab; and as I grew, feelings toward Arabs became more negative and sometimes bordered on distrust, even from my own colleagues.


She is forced to have sex with the school principal in order to make Gump to go to ordinary school like the normal childreninstead of going to special school, in this part, the film picture gives a distinct vision contrast and audition contrast between the house in dark and the white swing before the gate on which Gump is swinging in school clothes, the voice of Gump's mother and Gump's odd coarse sound, by which, a depressed


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
