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International Circulation: Thrombosis occurs in 20%~50% of patients with HIT.

国际循环》:血栓发生于20%~50% HIT患者中。

It occurred in 19 of the 1930s China Ikhwan factions, which began in Saudi Wahabi movement.


The NP95 1 well recorded the Heinrich event 1, Younger Dryas cold event and Bolling Allerod warm period, and the Heinrich event 1 occurred at 14.3kaB.P., Younger Dryas occurred at 11.7~10.3kaB.P..


At the BCL of 500ms, 1000ms and 2000ms,the VWtimes increased markedly with the BCL prolonging, and the degree of increasing was even obviously when heart rate was slow (BCL=2000ms or 1000ms). The enlargement of VWs was a most important reason to increase the incidence of ventricular arrhythmias; 2)At the BCL of 500ms, 1000ms or 2000ms,the VWtimes of the premature stimulates S2 was at endomembrane were wider than at the outermembrane. We supposed that premature stimulates come from endomembrane was easier inducing VF compared with outermembrane;3The VWtime of unidirectional block was wider than reentry's, we can see that reporlarization dispersion changed dynamicly. 4The QRS polar of the premature stimulates was opposite the primary beats ,which suggesting that excitation of inducing premature beats was coming from epicardial. That is to say electrotonic potential take part in the creation of reentry;5With the ratio of the Tp-e/QT increasing the occurrence of VF was upgrading. So the ratio was an effective method to estimate the event of SCD.6 The VWtimes of S3 were broaden than S2's. But we can not study penetratingly, which is the contents of our future studies.

在BCL为500ms、 1000ms和2000ms刺激条件下,随着刺激周长的增加单向传导阻滞时间易损窗呈增大趋势;并且在心率较慢时(BCL为2000ms和1000ms)增大最明显,是LQTS患者室性心律失常发生率增加的原因之一;2)在BCL为500ms、 1000ms和2000ms刺激条件下,S2位于内膜侧时时间易损窗大于在外膜侧时的,推测来自于内膜侧的期前刺激易于诱发室性心律失常;3)折返激动时间易损窗小于在单向传导阻滞时间易损窗,折返易发生于S2刚进入单向传导阻滞区间时,这说明复极梯度的不均一是动态变化的;4心电图上倒置QRS波与正常S1刺激所引起QRS波极性相反,提示不同位置S2刺激引发的室性早搏的兴奋均来自于外膜侧,说明了电紧张电位扩布参与了折返的产生;5)Tp-e/QT可以反应跨膜复极离散度,随着Tp-e/QT比值的增加PVT的发生增多,其可以用来预测室性心律失常的发生。6)随着期前刺激数目的增加时间易损窗增大。

Hepatoid variant of yolk sac tumor: Usually seen under 25 year old woman. You shoud search other areas to see if there is classic reticular pattern of YST. IHC can include AFP.


There are more than two dozen reported cases of lumbar facet dislocation after rapid deceleration injuries (e.g., traffic accidents), most involving L5 S1.61,112 115 The mechanism of injury in these cases is purported to be a combination of hyperflexion, distraction, and rotation.61,112,116 In a posthumous study conducted in 31 lumbar spines of subjects who died of traumatic injuries,Twomey et al.117 found occult bony fractures in the superior articular process or subchondral bone plate in 35% of victims, and z-joint capsular and/or articular cartilage damage in 77% of cases.

多项研究报道了急性减速伤后发生腰椎小关节分离,多数发生于L5-S1,其机制可能为过度屈曲,分离和旋转。在一项对死亡病例的研究中,Twomey 等发现,31例因交通事故死亡的人中有35%的腰椎上关节突或软骨下骨性终板存在隐匿骨折,77%存在小关节囊和/或关节软骨损伤。作者总结创伤后隐匿性股和软组织损伤也许是腰痛的来源。

There are more than two dozen reported cases of lumbar facet dislocation after rapid deceleration injuries (e.g., traffic accidents), most involving L5 S1.61,112 115 The mechanism of injury in these cases is purported to be a combination of hyperflexion, distraction, and rotation.61,112,116 In a posthumous study conducted in 31 lumbar spines of subjects who died of traumatic injuries,Twomey et al.117 found occult bony fractures in the superior articular process or subchondral bone plate in 35% of victims, and z-joint capsular and/or articular cartilage damage in 77% of cases.

多项研究报道了急性减速伤后发生腰椎小关节分离,多数发生于L5-S1,其机制可能为过度屈曲,分离和旋转。在一项对死亡病例的研究中,Twomey 等发现,31例因交通事故死亡的人中有35%的腰椎上关节突或软骨下骨性终板存在隐匿骨折,77%存在小关节囊和/或关节软骨损伤。

One worrying parallel is the Japanophobia of the 1980s and early 1990s.


The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake was the largest to strike the San Francisco Bay Area since the 1906 quake.


Cytomega lov irus retin itis a ssoc ia ted with Acqu ired immunodef ic iency syndrome YE Jun2jie3,L I Hai2yan, SUN D ing,M IN Han2y i, HAN B ao2ling, HU Tian2sheng1 3Departm ent of Ophthalm ology,Pek ing Union M edical College Hospital, Pek ing Union M edical College, Eye Research Center of Chinese Academ y of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100730,China

巨细胞病毒性视网膜炎是获得性免疫缺陷综合征患者晚期眼部机会性感染,常发生于CD4+ T淋巴细胞计数低于50个/mm3 的患者,可引起进行性全层视网膜坏死、视神经萎缩,最终导致视力丧失。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
