- 与 发烧友 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Dragster was founded in 1997 by a group of car audio and passionate enthusiast for all the real people who love car audio created by the company in Italy has a 'fashion city' reputation of Milan.
"These car–fanciers have recently organized a club."
Before November, few filmgoers might have heard of these movies; now, they're household names.
But they can help direct moviegoers to worthy films that they otherwise wouldn't know about.
Simple in style and construction, it has been the favorite attire for relaxation, but even Yukata are gradually disappearing from the urban scene.
Twitchers,' as enthusiasts are sometimes called, often travel long distances at great expense to catch just a glimpse of even a single rare species through their binoculars.
Twitchers ,作为发烧友有时被称作,往往长途跋涉巨大牺牲赶上刚才看到,即使一个单一的稀有物种通过他们的望远镜。
Second, color is more precise on the AE3000 in its Cinema modes, which video purists will appreciate.
Clock and the constant trickle charger , electronic enthusiast site provides a variety of electronic circuits, circuit diagrams, schematics, IC information, technical articles, free downloads and other information, the vast number of electronic engineers, electronic data favorite website.
EXAMPLE: The company president is an aficionado of classial music who never missed a local symphony concert.
The geek squad wanted to charge my 139.00!
该发烧友队要负责我的139.00 !
- 推荐网络例句
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Than chummage more the high specified number that those who let traditional shopkeeper headache is bazaar deducts a point.
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