- 与 发烧友 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Consequently those anywhere in that province who subscribed to the heresy of the Messalians or Enthusiasts, or who were suspected of the disease, whether clerical or lay, are to come together; if they sign the anathemas according to what was promulgated in the aforementioned synod, should they be clergy they should remain such and if laity they are to remain in communion.
因此这些地方在该省谁订阅了邪教的Messalians或发烧友,或者谁被怀疑的疾病,无论是文书或奠定基础,是能够走到一起;如果他们签署anathemas 据颁布了上述会议,它们应当神职人员应保持这样的,如果俗人他们留在共融。
Toyota and Honda have both been bemoaned by enthusiasts for their barely-there focus on enthusiast or performance cars.
In this annual celebration of love and joy, pulsating techno-music throbbed along two routes bisecting Berlin's Tear Garden Park as revelers converged from the city's Victory Column where for the exhibitionists. It was clearly their night.
However, if you are an enthusiasts and budgeting is the least of your concerns, this is the processor for you.
Young, vogue outdoor funs and professional outdoor clubs are the main consumers of this big market.
At this point these nasties basically eat into the shell and here in lays the problem for the aquarium enthusiast and aquaculturist alike.
在这些脏东西吃,基本上在shell和这里的水族馆奠定发烧友和水产业家Ken Robinson同样的问题。
Red fox has a fever from the technology popularity begins in friend, had reaved the market of 20% from inside IE hand now.
We are a group of software enthusiasts, we love our work and love to our software products.
And here I want to say Thank you to all the linux enthusiasts.
在此我想感谢所有 Linux 发烧友们。
Help Desk Geek, yeah I'm an IT Administrator myself, so it's fun to have this game back and forth…block…then find some way around it…block…etc.
- 推荐网络例句
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