英语人>网络例句>发烧友 相关的搜索结果


与 发烧友 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At least the tycoon of this record industry expects boy of these have a youthful look can build the old recording studio 1931 to look to this, in going 78 years, numerous and classic disc and classical great musical composition are in transcribe of recording studio of Abbey Road Studios, sell each music to have a fever next friendly.

起码这家唱片业的巨头期望这些后生小子能到这个建立于1931年的古老的录音室来看看—过去78年中,众多古典唱片和经典名曲都在Abbey Road Studios录音室录制,然后销售给一个个音乐发烧友

Another surprise is that Model 5700 is equipped with wide-angle lens for consumers interested in both music and pictures.


I've been a web zealot for about seven years.


I'v e been a web zealot for about seven years.


Amplifying system engineer worded in the theater, the stadium, the audiovisual education hall, the conference room£? tuning personnel worked in the hotel, choric hall, the multi-purpose hall£? and the acoustic fan and the music amateur and so on.


The reader community covers audio frequency worker as the broadcasting station and television station, recording technician, monitor, audio frequency engineer and so on; amplifying system engineer worded in the theater, the stadium, the audiovisual education hall, the conference room; tuning personnel worked in the hotel, choric hall, the multi-purpose hall; and the acoustic fan and the music amateur and so on.


If you are a hardware enthusiast that must tweak every bit of performance out of your hardware and demands the absolute best gaming and benchmark performance you can get, then the ASUS ROG Matrix 5870 Platinum Edition is for you.

倘若你是一个热衷于榨干硬件每一点性能同时又YY跑分和最强游戏成绩的发烧友的话,那么ROG Matrix 5870 Platinum是为你准备的。

Saad Hamid is a blogger and technology enthusiast from Pakistan.


SkyNews, the Canadian Magazine of Astronomy and Stargazing, is published six times a year.


Peng Zhao singing with medium bass outstanding, the tamber is more soft and mellow at present, have one special features more mature spontaneousness of the sing on stage of space, He sings to feel attracted place to be thick but not flighty, the enthusiasm make open but not grandiloquent, the singing is always so natural flowing freely, an each songs can give the person the mood which constructs a kind of gentle, appreciate by this kind of mood his to sing in the meantime, or pleased or sad, or grief or joy, voice of usage so freely , use him that the magnetism wonderful voice, go to the in the mind with hid sing,this is Pang's fascination place at present.

曾几何时,赵鹏以其首张个人发烧大碟&男声低音炮&而一炮打响,一炮走红,在 Hifi 乐坛引发巨大轰动,发烧友&粉丝&不计其数。以中低音出色的他,现今音色更为松弛、圆润,独具一格的演唱特色更为成熟自然,他的歌唱动情处沉实而不虚浮,激情处张扬而不造作,歌声总是那么自然流畅,每一首歌都能给人营造出一种平和的心境,同时以这种心境去欣赏他的歌唱,或喜或悲,或哀或乐,声音的运用都那么自如,用他那磁性般美妙的声音,把歌一句句地唱到你的心里去,大概这就是赵鹏现今的魅力了。

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Than chummage more the high specified number that those who let traditional shopkeeper headache is bazaar deducts a point.


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