- 与 发烧友 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Oh, so you're a tech geek, are you?
You are such a super cool super Geek!!!!
BTW for all you mythology buffs: Jormangund was one of the monstrous children of the God Loki and the giantess Angraboda.
顺便给神话发烧友: Jormangund 是 loki 神和女巨人 Angraboda 的一个畸形的孩子。
It is necessary to own a simple equipment to measure total harmonic distortion of amplifier.
It's a great starting point for serious headphone users.
Music lovers and high fidelity enthusiast are always in search for better sound.
Hopefully, this article will help the beginner as well as the more advanced hobbyist properly and successfully care for them.
At the first NBA Jam Session held in Shanghai in 2003… more than 41,000 Chinese basketball fans turned out to participate in basketball clinics, slam dunk contests and 3-on-3 competition over a three-day period.
The combination of keen price and easy connectivity to computer audio and gaming products adds a new dimension, turning gamers and iTunes users into proto-audiophiles, in a matter of seconds.
In the UK around 1982, the Sansui AU-D101 amplifier and its more powerful sibling the AU-D33, were highly acclaimed by audiophiles and were so well matched to a pair of KEF Coda III speakers that they could be bought as a set from some outlets.
在英国,大约1982年,山水1.00 - D101放大器和更强大的同胞,非盟D33 ,有很高的评价,并因此发烧友以及相匹配的一对经营者总协会尾三的发言者,他们可以买一套从一些发售。
- 推荐网络例句
By Forex Club upon the transmittal of written notice of termination of any obligations set out in this Agreement.
但是,当Forex Club在其办公地点接到客户的书面终止通知,或是Forex Club接到终止本协议下任何义务的书面通知时,客户不持有开仓的Forex头寸,且对Forex Club不存在任何债务,客户就可以随时终止本协议。
Than chummage more the high specified number that those who let traditional shopkeeper headache is bazaar deducts a point.
Electroless copper or silver electroless plating is a mature technology, solution components simple. Easy operation.