- 与 发烧友 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Tropheus duboisi is a tough and rugged cichlid from Lake Tanganyika that, despite its quarrelsome behavior, is endearing to many hobbyists.
An accomplished clarinettist and a motor-cycle enthusiast, he has said that he is more interested in "society, social systems and large corporate activities on a global scale" than in the strategic plans of companies that think global but act local. In 1995, at the same time as he left McKinsey after more than 20 years, he wrote a book called "The End of the Nation State".
"Bringing these influences together has created a coupe that will appeal to all car enthusiasts."
You can tell that this product was built by and for the enthusiast.
If you are a super-music enthusiast, then you have to high-end sound card to buy a little.
For $77,000 it may be the world's best enthusiast car.
He is a music fanatic. His sound system is most advanced.
Hello Tom. My name is Rachel and I am the co-web mistress of Felton Fever.
Fault performance: the author of a friend is a super computer game enthusiasts, is a master play games on the computer hardware is not deep understanding.
How do you know you are a true geek?
- 推荐网络例句
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