- 与 发烧友 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
My suggestion to our audiophile friends is to buy from the authorized Dussun dealers.
It is really a pleasing surprise to the audiophile world. The new CD is born, HD-Mastering CD.
发烧友的福音来了:新的 CD 诞生了—— HD-Mastering CD 。
But once you are able to listen 'poor' and take the price factor out of equation, you will be free from the audiophile syndrome.
The ViSangs can be enjoyed by both the audiophile and the casual listener in equal measure.
This was superb sound that I'm sure any rational audiophile would unhesitatingly consider delectable companionship for their imaginary desert island endgame.
I personally requires isn't tall order of the earphone, I am not a audiophile and my ear is not sick, for me it's suffice if it can hear clearly.
My audio travels: From Audiophile output into small Yamaha mixing desk, out to powered speakers.
Thus, Bloomfield remain fairly specific product, targeted at the most demanding enthusiasts.
He is a sports enthusiast, loved cricket and hockey; another keen in his Buckinghamshire home to ring around a music player, and thus drew thus unsettling the neighbors; third sitting quietly by like the road side and together with local young people drinking beer and ad nauseam.
Opals, chalcedony, cat's-eyes, star sapphires, laps, coral, turquoise, and other gems with rich deep colour are often cut in the smooth dome shape called the cabochon, the favorite shape of the ancient world, which emphasizes colour over brilliance.
- 推荐网络例句
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Than chummage more the high specified number that those who let traditional shopkeeper headache is bazaar deducts a point.
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