英语人>网络例句>发烧友 相关的搜索结果


与 发烧友 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

History buffs can enjoy a variety of tours of "The Great Land" from the perspective of native Aleut, Athabascan, Eskimos, or Northwest Coast Indian storytelling, the narrative of the Russian "discovery" of Alaska, or the tales of the Gold Rush.


At a synod of Congregational churches in 1637 Hutchinson was condemned as an antinomian, enthusiast, and heretic, and banished from the colony.

在主教的教会堂会在1637年哈钦森被谴责为一antinomian ,发烧友,和邪教,并放逐从殖民地。

Unless you are a true enthusiast of the aquatic world you...


Unless you are a true enthusiast of the aquatic world you probably do not have the resources required to ...


He is a ardent fan of music, which means he is squeamish with the music quality.


If not be,an armet that wear an umbrella is encountered in rank grass hill, wear an umbrella to take, the Xue Tiehua that humeral back umbrella wraps, the fever that I won't believe to this property company vise general manager of many years old 50 is glide umbrella motion is friendly.


The hotel is offering Van Gogh enthusiasts and guests of the hotel the chance to dine at his six-seated table with an exclusive menu designed by Albert Roux, inspired by the menu at the Auberge Ravoux.

James酒店内。热爱梵高的发烧友及酒店宾客更有机会在这张六座位的方桌上,品尝名厨Albert Roux根据哈姆客栈菜单而研发的特选菜式,体验艺术大师的昔日风采。

We want to make sure that our audiophile friends' money is well spent.


There is also a feed from the mixing desk's output back into the Audiophile input.


The "high-level alcohol enthusiasts" class engine capacity up to 8930CC, output power of 2500 hp, speed up to 382 kilometers / hour;"tripod High fuel vehicles" class engine volume of 8127CC, output power of 5000 hp speed of up to 460 km / h;"jet fans" in-class output power of up to 10,000 horsepower engine.


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Than chummage more the high specified number that those who let traditional shopkeeper headache is bazaar deducts a point.


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