英语人>网络例句>发烧 相关的搜索结果


与 发烧 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We sit in a draught, and education teaches us we should have a cold or fever: So we have a cold or fever. We eat something which we have been told is indigestible, and immediately we are assailed with pains. We see another yawn, and our impulse is to follow suit.


Initial symptoms are nonspecific; fever is usually present and other symptoms may include chills, headache, myalgia, conjunctival suffusion, nausea, or diarrhea. The CDC notes that leptospirosis should be included in the differential diagnosis of any worker who presents with febrile illness within 1 month of participating in a flood clean-up.


If your baby fever but although the spirit of good, but also love playing, but also eat something, then your baby may be a rash of it is imminent, my son had in October last, fever to 38.5 degrees, is also the only voice a little red , a little cough, I took him to run the Institute abuse, the doctor said to be cold, to open some cold medicine, as well as antibiotics, I got home, he also dared to eat antibiotics, only to give him a sense of eating Hanfu Oral Liquid and then some physical cooling method (using the antipyretic贝亲paste, well, one can be 8 hours, smooth fever is safe), Fortunately, he has not burnt 38.5 degrees, so useless small Taino fever, after he had a rash, I checked the book to know that this is urgent measles, only put down to heart, I guess your baby may need is urgent measles.


Teethe is generally a child may have fever, but time should not last very long, so long as the eruption of the teeth will no longer fever.


But thats the first time I've been told that I was going to have a fever before I even got one...............


Baby fever is a harbinger of illness, we must find out where the problems, pharyngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, and will happen, if only there are no other symptoms of fever, pharyngitis more likely, if breathing clear sputum song, there may be bronchitis or bronchitis, if there is throat song, it could be a laryngitis.


The first day of fever 38.5, burning吃了药receded, and then there are some minor coughing, sneezing, runny nose, medicine and Zailin Cephalosporium, as well as the town of cough medicine, to the fifth day of fever 38.5 morning again, to pull吃了药now fine, but there are some slight cough.


This disease is also called as sandfly disease ,leichmaniosis, kala azar , black fever , dum dum fever or espundia .

This疾病又被称为桑德弗莱疾病, leichmaniosis ,黑热病,黑色发烧,达姆达姆发烧或 espundia 。

We report on a case of a 10-year-old who had atypical presentation of Kawasaki disease with significant hepatobiliary dysfunction, including hepatomegaly and jaundice, and persistent fever. he did not have conjunctivitis until the 8 day of fever, and periungual desquamation and strawberry tongue until the 13 day offever when Kawasaki disease was diagnosed.


"They are followed in intestinal cases by abdominal pain, fever, and diarrhea leading to dehydration and a fatal shocklike state, and in Bone-marrow cases by fever, weakness, hair loss, infection, and hemorrhage."


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