- 与 发烧 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
My son is on the long tonsils aphthous fever, playing in the hospital for five days to do the bottle, watching the baby will not drink water even painful death, caused by aphthous fever, then eat anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs can fire back, find a hospital, do not let the baby suffer.
Such as fever with runny nose, cough, pharyngodynia, shortness of breath, the first consideration is the respiratory disease; fever accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain may be the gastrointestinal tract diseases; fever accompanied by headache, vomiting,精神不振eyes stare blankly, attention should be paid to the brain Department of disease; fever with rash, to consider whether the eruption of sexually transmitted diseases, drug rash; child develops a high fever accompanied by crying to the exception of otitis media, urinary tract infection.
Children with and without fever in the acetaminophen group showed similar diminution of antibody response.
Richard interleukin not high, his voice a little bit red, often behind the ear or occipital palpable on both sides of soybeans after the large lymph nodes, fever has been not to reclaim the child, medication, injections are invalid, such as spread 3 to 4 days a sudden fever, a pink body rash, and limbs before the rash less or no rash, fever have been accompanied by symptoms such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, were also back with the burning of the gradual disappearance of measles, 1 ~ 2 days measles back After without leaving any traces, not peeling, which is characteristic of measles exanthema.
Printing gold, silver products bearing in mind that you cannot convert your stacker printed matter in a accumulational exorbitance, or they will fever and make the business card printing and membership card to make a fade, chromotropic opest, a solution: delivery time for stacking of cardboard, to reduce fever thinner.
Because I have cars, so drivers need to know a great来陪accompanied发烧碟enjoyment is one thing, but the male Female is not fit to do the发烧碟, it fit live performances, but the mezzo-soprano is different, you can repeatedly listen to will be very intoxicated, I was secretly pleased with this idea.
Juan Chen a few years ago many men and women is the national voice of duet singing songs, she sang one person "Female Male" to the national audience to remember the cute girl in Yichang. She tried in 2008 to record with mezzo-soprano朱德荣Sura two songs songwriter Writer "I am of you", is a subwoofer发烧碟Female, for her arranger, sound recording of Guangzhou are the top artists, recording .
I've got a fever,so I take sick leave today.
I was pregnant in 2007, when a to 6 months, when a sudden high fever, and after go to the hospital has been the rule in accordance with upper respiratory tract infection, and spent the first cell, Shuanghuanglian, but also There Chaihu failed to bring down a fever, and later a blood test that mycoplasma infection, with the azithromycin, on the night a night to hang out bottles, anti-fever the morning, go home and sleep until the afternoon began to have stomach pain and the law hard fat and a bloody discharge, but also the beginning of fever, rushed to the hospital, the doctor so that the results do a good B-fetal heart rate is 190 too, and contraction, the latter with a magnesium sulfate Baotai hospital but still could not suppress Palace reduction, and finally failed to keep, artificial rupture of the amniotic fluid that is some pollution, after giving birth, nor fever, the doctor also did not say clearly how the matter in the end, only that it might be likely to lead to a fever have been premature, but I just fever other cold symptoms are not.
Fever: electronic equipment generally electrized of exterior-, metal friction also have a fever after.
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