英语人>网络例句>发动的 相关的搜索结果


与 发动的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Last Thursday evening nursing hopeful s and other students sickened by the possibility that a lost semester could endanger their ability to sit for their professional licenses staged a counter - revolution of sorts and retook the Borough of Manhattan Community College.


Last Thursday evening nursing hopefuls and other students sickened by the possibility that a lost semester could endanger their ability to sit for their professional licenses staged a counter - revolution of sorts and retook the Borough of Manhattan Community College.


He crossed the Sauer River on a partly submerged footbridge, under a smoke screen (from which emerged another Patton legend, that he had swum the river). On February 19, when First Army to the north was waiting for the Roer to recede, Patton wrote Bradley a letter "saying that all the U.S. troops except the Third Army were doing nothing at all, and that while I was still attacking, I could do better with more divisions….This is the only letter I ever wrote for record, but I felt very keenly at that time that history would criticize us for not having been more energetic."


It sparked off the civil war when it happened to the United States of America.


In 1994 the Zapatista National Liberation Army, led by Subcommander Marcos, launched an uprising in Chiapas.


Make a soft swishing sound, as of a motor working or wings flapping.


This card cannot be Fusion Summoned except by activating "Eye of Timaeus" and sending "Dark Magician Girl" from your side of the field to the Graveyard.

此卡只能通过发动&Eye of Timaeus&并将自己场上的&Dark Magician Girl&送去墓地融合召唤。

This card cannot be Fusion Summoned except by activating "Eye of Timaeus" and sending "Dark Magician" from your side of the field to the Graveyard.

此卡只能通过发动&Eye of Timaeus&并将自己场上的&Dark Magician&送去墓地融合召唤。

Couldn't restart engines, and drifted downwind ultimately grounding on Unalaska Island on Dec. 8, 2005. Six crew died in attempted rescue, vessel broke in two, and is a total loss.

这艘货轮在2004年12月7日在位于荷兰海港西北100千米的地方由于遇上风暴需要抛锚维修,可是船员再也不能使引擎重新发动起来,致使该货轮顺风逐流到了 Unalaska 岛,2004年12月8日搁浅船体断裂而沉没,6名船员在尝试营救中遇难。

This has unleashed[5] entrepreneurial talent, but more change is needed.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
