英语人>网络例句>发动的 相关的搜索结果


与 发动的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My car won't staIt,I don't know why,it just won't crank up.


At a recent show he unveiled four new pets: a portable lightning machine that spits 9-foot bolts of crackling blue lightning at nearby machines; a 120-decibel whistle driven by a jet engine; a military rail gun that uses magnetic propulsion to fire a burning comet of molten iron at 200 miles per hour, which upon impact explodes into a fine drizzle of burning droplets; and an advanced tele-presence cannon, a human/machine symbiont that lets a goggled operator aim the gun by turning his head to gaze at the target. It fires beer cans stuffed with concrete and dynamite detonators.


At a recent show he unveiled four new pets: a portable lightning machine that spits 9-foot bolts of crackling blue lightning at nearby machines; a 120-decibel whistle driven by a jet engine; a military rail gun that uses magnetic propulsion to fire a burning comet of molten iron at 200 miles per hour, which upon impact explodes into a fine drizzle of burning droplets; and an advanced tele-presence cannon, a human/machine symbiont that lets a goggled operator aim the gun by turning his head to gaze at the target. It fires beer cans stuffed with concrete and dynamite detonators.


At a recent show he unveiled four new pets: a portable lightning machine that spits 9-foot bolts of crackling blue lightning at nearby machines; a 120-decibel whistle driven by a jet engine; a military rail gun that uses magnetic propulsion to fire a burning comet of molten iron at 200 miles per hour, which upon impact explodes into a fine drizzle of burning droplets; and an advanced tele-presence cannon, a human/machine symbiont that lets a goggled operator aim the gun by turning his head to gaze at the target.


At a recent show he unveiled four new pets: a portable lightning machine that spits 9-foot bolts of crackling blue lightning at nearby machines; a 120-decibel whistle driven by a jet engine; a military rail gun that uses magnetic propulsion to fire a burning comet of molten iron at 200 miles per hour, which upon impact explodes into a fine drizzle of burning droplets; and an advanced tele-presence cannon, a human/machine symbiont that lets a goggled operator aim the gun by turning his head to gaze at the target. It fires beer cans stuffed with concrete and dynamite detonators.


The US was the biggest threat which China developed, the Korean War which, the Vietnam War the US started causes our country has suffered the heavy loss in the manpower and the financial resource aspect; The US supports Chiang Kai-Shek counter-attacks the mainland motion to cause our country coast not to be peaceful for a long time; Present's US still in did everything possible to suppress China, like did not acknowledge that China market economy status, gesticulates, force Renminbi revaluation in the Taiwan problem and so on, zai weilai di regan nian zhong, the US will still be China's enemies, is the forever trouble maker


The US was the biggest threat which China developed, the Korean War which, the Vietnam War the US started causes our country has suffered the heavy loss in the manpower and the financial resource aspect; The US supports Chiang Kai-Shek counter-attacks the mainland motion to cause our country coast not to be peaceful for a long time; Present's US still in did everything possible to suppress China, like did not acknowledge that China market economy status, gesticulates, force Renminbi revaluation in the Taiwan problem and so on, zai weilai di regan nian zhong, the US will still be China's enemies, is the forever trouble maker


By Bill Van Auken | In a stunning blow to what very little remains of the Bush administration's political credibility, the president's former press secretary Scott McClellan has published a book indicting the White House for launching an "unnecessary" war in Iraq based on false propaganda.

&由条例草案范auken |中,实现令人瞠目的打击,什麼很小的遗骸,布什政府的政治信誉,总统的前新闻秘书麦克莱伦已出版了一本书指控白宫发动的&不必要的&在伊拉克战争基於对虚假的&宣传。

To fulfill his declared goal of scrutinizing "the cracks in the granite of genius," Garff quotes at length from Kierkegaard's 62 journals, as well as from the "theological torpedo" that the "anticlerical warrior" launched with scores of diatribes against "cultural Protestantism" and organized Christianity in the last year of his life.


As the bearing in engine is working in condition of high temperature and high pressure, to find out the performance of the main bearing of I.C. Engine in Western China more accurately, a model of the main bearing was built by considering it as a bearing with TEHL (Thermo Elastic Hydrodynamics Lubrication). The influent of low environment pressure on main bearing was studied with thermo and elastic hydrodynamics considered.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
