- 与 双重 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The 4D microscopic analysis revealed that cnx-1 and crt-1 mutations prolong cell-corpse duration time but do not affect the timewhen cells exhibit the death phenotype. This suggests that cnx-1 and crt-1 act in engulfment rather than in execution of apoptosis.
由於在细胞尸体的吞噬机制上,先前已有两条被确认的路径,分别为ced-1, 6, 7 和 ced-2, 5, 10;为了厘清cnx-1和crt-1所作用的路径为何,我们将此两基因分别和ced-1及ced-5两基因做双重突变并分析这些双重突变品系虫体在L1幼虫时期残留的未被吞噬之细胞尸体数量。
With the investigation of the domestic and foreign literature systematically, the bases on the domestic and foreign present research and the comprehensive utilizations of the various knowledge of fluid mechanics in porous medium, reservoir engineering, mathematical physics, perforation completion, numerical simulation and so on, this article takes numerical simulation of gas reservoir of water solubility as the research aim which has completed following research works and obtained the corresponding research results: it analyzes the nature of the Water-soluble gas and formation water as well as the influent factors of the solubility through the study of massive materials; It establishes mathematical models three-dimension, the dual medium, the gas-water phase through the way of finite difference in the migration of water-soluble gas, which describes the entire process of release, migration and production in formation, where it considered the problems of variable bubble point; According to the numerical models of gas reservoir of water solubility it provides solution procedure that based on black oil model; It discovers that there will obtain the good effects in the lowly speed of development through simulation; the reinjection of formation water may largely enhance the produce degree of water-soluble gas when we consider reinjection in simulator; It considered the influence of perforated completion on development so as to increase the simulator"s versatility, It discovers that the simulator may reflect the conditions of development when we exanimate he simulator"s reliability with the empirical datum.
In order to overcome the difficulty of making a through investigation of each fracture in natural systems, a new concept of quasi double-porosity-medium was put forword and a new mcdel was also developed based on the partition of dominant fractured networks and quasi porous matrixes according to the transmissive and storage mechanism of frae tured medium.
Some examples are: The dual can also be rendered in a number of ways:· twofold repetition of the ideogram:· twofold repetition of the determinative sign:· a combination of the dual-suffix and repetition of the determinative sign: Vocabulary
The report proposes a "double response" to this burden by integrating prevention and control of both communicable and noncommunicable diseases within a comprehensive health care system.
Furthermore, the simulations of high speed modulation in nonidentical quantum wells and quantum dot laser diodes are also available in this thesis.
The result of this research illustrates the conflict is reconcilable in practice and the dual reform goals could be both achieved.
Then from the perspective of the hearer, the acceptive characteristics of the rhetoric of double meanings are uncovered from the acceptive order, acceptive type and acceptive degree. Mainly according to cooperation principle and relevance theory, the judgment and recognition of the rhetoric of double meanings, the regularity taking on when its deep meaning is revivified and cognized are induced; and at the same exhibiting specifically the meaning reasoning process of the acceptor of the rhetoric of double meanings of polysemy, synonymy, and antonym.
It is proved that the dual time step algorithm is efficient in the simulation of unsteady flow with the prediction of vortex shedding over circular cylinders and shock buffeting over bicircular airfoils.
This primary intention and the basis premise question is exactly the thinking mode which Marx realizes transforms, is precisely this kind of thinking mode transformation only then this dual to unifies, only then enable dually to have in the true sense"humanist", this was this article seeks a layout the basic mentality.
- 推荐网络例句
It has been put forward that there exists single Ball point and double Ball points on the symmetrical connecting-rod curves of equilateral mechanisms.
The factory affiliated to the Group primarily manufactures multiple-purpose pincers, baking kits, knives, scissors, kitchenware, gardening tools and beauty care kits as well as other hardware tools, the annual production value of which reaches US$ 30 million dollars.
The eˉtiology of hemospermia is complicate,but almost of hemospermia are benign.