英语人>网络例句>双糖 相关的搜索结果


与 双糖 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

GIB852 could ef-ficaciously inhibit human pancreatic α-amylase and α-maltase glucoamylase. The inhibition of maltase is stronger than the same dose of the commercial α-glucosidase inhibitor miglitol 28.7 times while the inhibi-tion of α-amylase is weak.


Objectives To investigate the relationship between duodenal mucosal histology and duodenal lactase,sucrase and maltase activities in children in Guangzhou and identify levels of duodenal lactase、sucrase and maltase activities in children with normal villus histology.


This method is applied to mono-, di-, and trisaccharides.


QS-21, an acylated bidesmosidic triterpenoid saponin isolated byKensil et al in 1992 from the South American tree, Quillaja Saponaria Molina, is a potentimmunological adjuvant It has been shown highly effective in inducing CTL and antigen-specificantibody responses to exogenously added antigens and enhancing both humoral and cell-mediatedimmune responses.

QS-2l是1992年由美国化学家Kensil等人从蔷薇科植物QuillajaSaponria Molina中分离得到的一种带脂肪链的双糖链三萜皂甙,具有极强的免疫辅助活性,能有效诱导外加抗原的胞毒T淋巴细胞的响应及抗原专一性抗体的产生,并能增强细胞的免疫反应。

Fructose , syrup fructose , acesulfame-k, AK, potassium, synthetic sweetener , sucralose , sweetener, sugar replacer , sugar substitute , intense sweetener , disaccharide, non-reducing sugar , moisture retention,moistrure agent ,starch sugar , isomalt , palatinit , isomaltitol, Polyols,, sugar polyol , xylitol ,sorbitol ,mannitol , xylitol ,sugar ,syrup glucose, polydextrose , erythritol , sorbitol syrup , lactose , stevia , Puer Tea , Liupu Tea, Fructooligosaccharides, sweeting agent, trehalose , syrup trehalose, Stevioside

果糖,果糖糖浆,安赛蜜-钾,支ak ,钾,合成甜味剂,三氯蔗糖,糖,糖替代品,食糖替代品,激烈糖,双糖,非还原糖,保湿,水分剂,淀粉糖,异麦芽, palatinit , isomaltitol ,多元醇,糖醇,木糖醇,山梨醇,甘露醇,木糖醇,糖,糖浆中的葡萄糖,聚葡萄糖,赤藓糖醇,山梨醇糖浆,乳糖,甜菊糖,普洱茶, liupu茶叶,低聚果糖, sweeting剂,海藻糖,糖浆海藻糖,甜菊糖

Table sugar also has glucose and fructose, but they're chemically bonded together in a double sugar called sucrose.


Having two single sugars instead of one double sugar means that ounce-for-ounce honey contains more sugar molecules, which is why honey is also a little sweeter than table sugar.


Results The Bartonella sp.strains could decompose disaccharide without disassociation of glycose,trisaccharide and spirits,and produce bacillosporin with positive of glucose oxidation and ureolysis test,negative of hydrogen sulfide production test and oxidase test....


Transparent qualitative acid is sticky polysaccharide of sex of acidity macromolecule a gleam of, by acetyl of aldehydic acid of D- Pu candy and N- the disaccharide unit of amino Pu candy relapses to join alternately and become.

梗概: 透明质酸(hyaluronan,HA)为酸性大分子一线性黏多糖,由D-葡糖醛酸和N-乙酰氨基葡糖的双糖单位反复交替连接而成。

Hyaluronidase can degrade hyaluronic acid into disaccharide compounds and dissociate intercellular substance berrier to liquefy the vitreous. Hyaluronidase is one of the most potential enzymes to assist vitrectomy.


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Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
