英语人>网络例句>双心 相关的搜索结果


与 双心 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With its dual capsule design and unique three-pattern switch (cardioid, cardioid with -10dB pad and omni), the Snowball can handle everything from soft vocals to the loudest garage band and it's ideal for podcasting.


By means of the dynamics analysis , the center of the vibrating force of the shaker is determined, which is proved exclusive.


Biatrial and right ventricular triple chamber pacinmg is founded through implanting coronary sinus lead to pace left atrium on the base of conventional right atrial and right ventricular dual chamber pacing,which realizes the synchrony of electrical activities in both two atriums,remove interatrial conduction block and interatrial reentry,and prevent and treat atrial tachyarrhythmias induced by interatrial conduction block.


In tranquil night I in stares at to look at sky star view month circle content perhaps in this Christmas day I did not look that snowflake actually may feel same cool perhaps in this Christmas day I did not look that family member actually may feel same kind perhaps in this Christmas day my hear laughter actually may feel same happy perhaps in this Christmas day I do not hear comfort actually to be possible to feel same warm joyful I dark to see society happy equally has also liked with mine both eyes retaining I like feeling which celebrates liking my today's feeling offering for friend of mine listen ........................ that tune tune music to resound in the sky to look ........................ that star, in the clouds see pace back and forth Christmas day in we to be possible to see lovers connecting rod waited for together in the sky the snowflake falls gently Christmas day in we to be possible to hear the friends to wait for hoped together in the time vainly hopes for realizes I to want well to use my this blessing heart to open better smoother which front you path enables you to be possible to walkI good want to use heart which my this double feels grateful to lead you to realize vainly hoped for that enables you to be possible live each US more joyful Christmas day's today I for your these my life in friend to pray hoped in the new year safe joyful happy Christmas day's today I pray for heavenly blessing for your these my life's in friend to hope in the new holiday happy beautiful intoxicant.


Female flowers: tepals 5 or 6 or several; carpels 2 or 3; ovary superior, 2- or 3-locular; styles 2 or 3, free, persistent; stigma broadly recurved; interstylar nectaries present or lacking; ovules 2 per locule, pendent, anatropous, bitegmic, crassinucellar; micropyle formed by inner integument or by both integuments.

雌花 花被片5或者6或者几个;心皮2或3;子房上位,室2或3;花柱2-3,离生,宿存;宽的柱头下弯;花柱间的蜜腺有或者无;胚珠每室2,下垂,倒生,具双珠被,具厚珠心;珠孔由内珠被或者两层珠被形成。

Method] Puncture into Attain long sheath of CS through left infraclavicular vein,guided by CS pipe,take sheath into CS,make reverse contrast of heart vein with Attain saccule contrast pipe,put the left ventricle electric pole into the vein through sheath,then bring it into right ventricle apex and right cardiac ear through the electric pole of right ventricle and atrium,connect it with 3-cavity pulse generator,which is buried under left chest skin.


Thpetum is the gland cell type. The pistil has two carpels, the ovules belong to straight ovules with bitegmic;77% nucellus stoped development before from the archesporial cell and disappear and 23% nucellus atrophy .so the flower cannot grow seeds.

安祖花的雌蕊是由2 心皮组成,胚珠为直生胚珠,双珠被,77%珠心细胞在胞原细胞形成之前停止发育,并且逐渐解体消失,23%珠心细胞发生萎缩,导致雌蕊败育。

Through Hilbert transform, a signal's plane trace can be get. There are two frequencies in the tested signal, so the signal's plane trace may be looked as the track of the out pole's end when two poles rotate around parallel axles. Using the knowledge of motion synthesis in theory mechanics, a formula to describing the change of plane trace's step length and angle for two-frequency be get. So we may prolongate the tested signal's plane trace from the echo's initial arriving moment, and get a certain length of the signal's prolongation.


In this paper, coordinate and momentum eigenstates of two-particle have been introduced in the centre-of-mass system. New formalisms of two-mode squeeze operator and two-mode squeezed state have been given in coordinate and momentum pictures.


B.P.M.- Catwalk To Heaven The catwalk to your soul The catwalk to heaven I'm ready to rumble - rappin'rollin' the show Take the power of basskit everywhere you will go I don't make the same like you I make it better alone Will be paying the price to enter my dangerzone Will be loaded by myself into your heart and your brain With some full double speed before you lose it again Welcome to my place don't go out through the door B.P. explode - the rhythmbomb on the floor Time is now I will go on the catwalk to your soul Don't you know my heart is out of control And could it be love?


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
