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与 双 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Synthesis of organic sulfuric compounds in aqueous media is carried out by: using thio-olefin compounds with carbonyl compounds, acetal/keltone, hydrazone, oxime, osazone and enamine to synthesize mercaptal/keltone compounds in aqueous media; using thio-olefin compounds with alpha-hydroxyaldehyde/keltone or alpha-halogenated aldehyde/keltone to synthesize thia-olefin derivatives in a queous media; using thio-olefin compounds with alpha, beta-unsaturated hydroxy compounds, C-C treble bond, C-N treble bond, C-C double bond, N-N double bond, C-N double bond, C-S double bond, epoxy and its derivatives, aziridine and its derivatives, cyclopropane and its derivatives and halogenated carboxy to synthesize sulfoether compounds in a queous media.


Eight pairs of twins were collected. Twin zygosity diagnosis were made by micrsatellite DNA polymorphism. The collected data included clinical oral examination and measurements of dental model. The heritability of tooth mesiodistal diameter, the length of dental arch and crowding factor were systematically analyzed.


The advantages of dual grafts for bridging defects are as follows:(1) mechanical fixation is better than fixation by a single onlay bone graft;(2) the two grafts add strength and stability;(3) the grafts form a trough into which cancellous bone may be


The adantages of dual grafts for bridging defects are as follows:(1) mechanical fixation is better than fixation by a single onlay bone graft;(2) the two grafts add strength and stability;(3) the grafts form a trough into which cancellous bone may be packed; and (4) during healing the dual grafts, unlike a single graft, preent contracting fibrous tissue from compromising transplanted cancellous bone.


Haloperidol but not sulpiride enhanced the paired-pulse inhibition elicited by antidromic -orthodromic paired-pulse stimulation, and reduced the paired-pulse fa- cilitation evoked by orthodromic paired-pulse stimulation.


ObjectiveTo observe the influence on IgE、 EOS、 IL-5、 IL-12 and clinical effect of ChuanFuLingTieJi by applying on the points (Dazhui 、 Dingchuan、 Feishu、 Pishu 、 Shenshu) of children patients with asthma,and compare with the ChuanFuLing-paste, researching the mecharism of CFLTJ and providing theoretical basis for feasibility of CFL form improvement and prevention and treatment of asthma.


Selected points:(1)Shenque(Ren4)、Zusanli(ST36)、Pishu(BL20)、Geshu(BL17);(2)Guanyuan(Ren4)、Shenshu(BL23)、Dazhui(Du14). Above two groups of points were used alternatively.


Spirodilactone s are a series of compounds with the structures of spiro carbon and lactone which result in the special physical and chemical characters of Spirodilactone s.


Based on the laser longitudinal mode splitting theory, a novel scheme of dual-frequency laser with large frequency-difference is presented using electrically controlled birefringence of liquid crystal, and the transmitted resonant mode splitting by birefringent of Fabry-Perot etalon has been analyzed theoretically. A new element of liquid crystal Fabry-Perot etalon is designed and fabricated, which serves as aselector and splitter of both laser longitudinal modes and Fabry-Perot etalons transmitted resonant modes. Two different experimental systems of laser-diode end-pumped Nd:YAG laser have been set up using two different LDs, and the transmission of liquid-crystal cell have been measured. When the empty LCFP is inserted in the cavity of high-power LD pumped Nd:YAG laser, the oscillation of a single laser longitudinal mode have been observed, such a result shows that the designed and fabricated LCFP element is capable of selecting single axial mode. While an anti-reflected liquid crystal cell is inserted in the cavity of Nd:YAG laser end-pumped by the high-power LD, it is difficult to confirm weather the laser longitudinal modes have been spitted or not. The subject is summarized in this thesis and the improvement of the project has been presented.


The results show that both norbornenic and cyclopentenic double bonds are involved in the polymerization. The propagation on the NB double bond generates structural unit I by direct addition and unit II by carbocation rearrangement, respectively. Similarly, the propagation on the CP double bond produces structural unit III by direct addition and unit IV by transannular rearrangement, respectively.

结果表明, DCPD分子的降冰片烯键和环戊烯键均参与了聚合反应并根据不同链增长机理产生四种链结构单元:通过NB键的链增长反应可生成直接加成结构单元I和重排结构单元II,通过CP键的链增长反应生成直接加成结构单元III和跨环重排单元IV。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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