英语人>网络例句>原有 相关的搜索结果


与 原有 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is a normal signal from normal native endothelial cells. This is the signal from the regenerated endothelium.


We still have some 'Englishness' left, keeping our minds open to the past and retaining some faith in our future, rejecting the logic-chopping rational for the widely if hazily reasonable, refusing to be cut off from instinct and intuition.


Sacred is not all change though – it remains true to itself and offers full single player and an enhanced multiplayer mode with the popular addictive gameplay style that remains rooted at the very core of the action.


the key to solving such major problems as unbalanced development of world table tennis today, sharp decrease of table tennis population, and poor game enjoyableness, is that international table tennis association needs to change its original thinking manners and conceptions, turn "restricting china" into "the world learning from china", closely cooperate with china, implement the plan to establish a world table tennis school in china as soon as possible, fully exert important functions of china in world table tennis affairs.


To some extent, the contract law promoted the development of contract system. The contract law is the entia of economy contract law, international contract law and technology contract law.


A new year looks sure to entrench old resentments.


In order to put all the different functional sections in its right places, the designer reconstructed the originally 4-floor space and made an entresol in the base floor, so that the space turned into a complex made up of a hair salon, a beauty salon, a styling studio, a photography studio and a cafe.


Jiangsu ligang Electric Power Co.Ltd,,Wuxi 21444 ChinaAbstract: introduce the reformation of chemistry water treatment control system in Jiangsu Ligang Fired Power Station Phase one.2×350MW .The new system characterize in both PLC and epigyny control mode .

摘 要:介绍江苏利港电力有限公司一期2×350MW燃煤机组化学水理控制系统更新改造,原有系统采用模拟盘显示状态、控制按钮操作,显示表显示实时参数,记录仪记录过程参数,再生部分以程序控制的控制方式。

Back to obscurity .every thing back to serenity and equability and equilibrant...just like the dismiss of the Army . the erase of the record . the re-format of the DVD..

万物回归原有的宁静和平与平衡,就像解散的军队、或洗掉录音带的记录、 DVD 的磁轨重新格式化一样…。。

Furthermore, on the ground of the traditional algorithm and the error analysis, an advanced algorithm is proposed.


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Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
