英语人>网络例句>原有 相关的搜索结果


与 原有 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Experiments show that the improve coarseness has higher texture discriminability and better rotation invariance, and that the image retrieval result based on the improved coarseness is superior to that based on the previous coarseness.


Starting with the analysis on discriminatory nature of transitional product-specific safeguard clause, in this chapter the paper sets forth its views that this clause has been violating the basic principles of WTO, worsening the trade environment of developing countries and undermining the fair and undicriminating principles of Safeguard Agreement. The paper then make a further analysis on the basic elements of the prerequisite for implementation of the clause and the legislativeactions of other WTO members in a more detailed way and summarizes the irrationalities and harmfulness of the clause.


Sterilize with high voltage pulsed electric field is a new food sterilization technology, althougu the temperature of its process is low, but it can kill the microorganism in food effectively, and at the same time it can maintain the original color fragrance of the food. So it has an unique function to the food; vegetables and fruit's maintain freshness, sterilization and the insect disinfestation. It is the best technology among the food sterilization use non-heat treatment at present.


It also introduces how to use it to study operations of hard disk partitioning, formatting and using virtual operating system to build local area network without students' damaging the original system.


Either way the original team will be slighted and dispirited by this ?


Environmental hormone means endocrine disrupter substance, is definition by Japan Environmental Administration in 1997. This substance once enter in vivo by way of environmental conveyance, will amiss bonding with the receptor. It will result influence like hormone or destroy the balance and function of normal endocrine system.

摘要 环境荷尔蒙由日本环境厅在1997年所定义,指的是外因性内分泌干扰物质,此等物质一但经由环境介质进入动物体内后,会和体内的受体发生错误结合,产生类似荷尔蒙的影响或是破坏干扰原有内分泌系统的平衡及功能,进而干扰动物体内的生理作用。

However, the reason of unemployment is distinctness different, so countermeasure on father unemployment is different in different country.


Dr. Robert Lamberts, the August, Ga., physician who wrote the original rules in his blog, Musings of a Distractible Mind , says it was easy to criticize his own profession, but it's tough to turn the spotlight on patients.

8月内科医生 Robert Lamberts 在博客中写过原有规则,《一个心不在焉者的沉思》,称批评他自己的职业很容易,但把聚光点放到病人身上很难。

On the surface, airport transformation is a division from the vested interests of original airport authorities.


Through the means of industry liaison collaboration, space allotment, activities control, influential organizations as well as a system of rewards and penalties, the textile factory retains the original cohesiveness in domiciliation of female laborers and generates new cohesiveness to mold a submissive body fulfilling the source of productivity workforce needed by capitalism.


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Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
