- 与 厌食的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
These women, ages 61, 72 and 74 years, receiving long-term pergolide therapy for Parkinson's disease or restless legs syndrome, had valvular abnormalities strikingly similar to those induced by fenfluramine, ergot derivatives, or carcinoid. All three had severe, unexplained tricuspid regurgitation; two had predominantly right-sided congestive heart failure; and two had moderate aortic and mitral valve regurgitation. Histology revealed surface fibroproliferative lesions with preserved underlying valve architecture. Carcinoid was excluded, and none of the patients had taken anorectic drugs or ergots other than pergolide.
Ascariasis symptoms mainly concentrated in the gut is a common stomach ache and abdominal cramps, there will be serious anorexia, malnutrition and anemia and other symptoms may also occur in some ectopic lumbricoides and allergic symptoms.
Richard interleukin not high, his voice a little bit red, often behind the ear or occipital palpable on both sides of soybeans after the large lymph nodes, fever has been not to reclaim the child, medication, injections are invalid, such as spread 3 to 4 days a sudden fever, a pink body rash, and limbs before the rash less or no rash, fever have been accompanied by symptoms such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, were also back with the burning of the gradual disappearance of measles, 1 ~ 2 days measles back After without leaving any traces, not peeling, which is characteristic of measles exanthema.
A cartoon in the Philadelphia Inquirer, reprinted in The Post, showed the pope somewhat ghoulishly praising a throng of sick and dying Africans:"Blessed are the sick, for they have not used condoms."
Tracey Emin's STRANGELAND is her own space, lying between the Margate of her childhood, the Turkey of her forefathers and her own, private-public life in present-day London.
Even quite nice teenagers delight in having unprotected sex, getting drunk, taking drugs, becoming anorexic or bulimic, and if you have five children - as Ms Palin does - the chances of one of them inflicting collateral damage on you at some stage must be close to a certainty.
Methods By using infrared video patch-clamp, the membrane potential of three animal models which are the control groups, anorexia and treatment group were recoded and the effects of Baobaole Decoction and leptin on the membrane potential of VMN neuron were analyzed.
Furthermore, allatostatins inhibit contraction of muscles in heart, dorsal vessel and oviducts.
Non-organic causes of anorexia nervosa is caused by malnutrition and wasting an important and common cause, the need for active prevention and treatment.
It's no wonder anorexia or anorexia nervosa, which is its proper term, has taken a stranglehold on peoples health today.
- 推荐网络例句
I am accused of being overreligious," she said in her quiet, frank manner,"but that does not prevent me thinking the children very cruel who obstinately commit such suicide.""
Designed by French fashion house Herm è s, this elegant uniform was manufactured in our home, Hong Kong, and was the first without a hat.
由著名品牌 Herm è s 设计,这件高贵的制服是香港本土制造,是我们第一套不配帽子的制服。
Do not 'inflate' your achievements and/or qualifications or skills .
不要 '夸大' 你的业绩或成果,条件或者技能。