英语人>网络例句>厌倦 相关的搜索结果


与 厌倦 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A kiss of a tired woman: lips of soapsuds, no lip pressure-; tired so long her mind forgot how to tell her lips to form a kiss?.

一个吻一个厌倦女子:嘴唇的soapsuds ,没有一句空话压力;厌倦,只要她的心忘了如何告诉她的嘴唇,形成一个吻?。

There's gonna be some trouble A whole house will need re-building And everyone I love in the house Will recline on an analyst's couch quite Soon Your Father cracks a joke And in the usual way Empties the room Tell all of my friends (I don't have too many Just some rain-coated lovers' puny brothers) Dallow, Spicer, Pinkie, Cubitt Rush to danger Wind up nowhere Patric Doonan - raised to wait I'm tired again, I've tried again, and Now my heart is full Now my heart is full And I just can't explain So I won't even try to Dallow, Spicer, Pinkie, Cubitt Every jammy Stressford poet Loafing oafs in all-night chemists Loafing oafs in all-night chemists Underact - express depression Ah, but Bunnie I loved you I was tired again I've tried again, and Now my heart is full Now my heart is full And I just can't explain So I won't even try to Could you pass by ?

麻烦要来了整个房子都要重建里面每一个我爱着的人就要走向精神分析师的长椅上帝开了个玩笑照例屋子空了告诉我所有的朋友没有多少,只有我穿雨衣的爱人他们弱小的兄弟) Dallow,Spicer,Pinkie,Cubitt 奔向险地一无所获 Patric Doonan--从小到大都在等着我又厌倦了,我又试了现在我的心是满的现在我的心是满的我没法解释所以我都不去试一下 Dallow,Spicer,Pinkie,Cubitt 每一个走运的抑郁之城的诗人整宿营业的药店里游荡的傻子整宿营业的药店里游荡的傻子你们不动声色---带着抑郁但是Bunni我是爱过你的我又厌倦了我又试了现在我的心是满的现在我的心是满的我没法解释所以我都不去试一下你会路过吗?

He too hopped from subject to subject like a bricoleur, discarding philosophy for its arid moralising, giving up law out of sheer boredom, vaunting socialism until it tired him, turning to anthropology as if he was still a fascinated boy in a curio shop.


I get bord with the guesses in the public, I get bord of being so sad, I will say to you, only weakness always find excueses to refuse miving on, only weakness always drown in deep sadness, I was sad for long long time, but I'm happier that I had passed over.


Lene Chaiken: Not sick of it, no.


Think, for example, of certain forms of diet, of fasting, of sexual continence, of flight "into the wilderness"(the Weir Mitchell isolation cure—without, to be sure, the subsequent fattening and overfeeding which constitute the most effective remedy for the hysteria induced by the ascetic ideal): add to these the entire antisensualistic metaphysics of the priests that makes men indolent and overrefined, their autohypnosis in the manner of fakirs and Brahmins—Brahma used in the shape of a glass knob and a fixed idea—and finally the only-too-comprehensible satiety with all this, together with the radical cure for it, nothingness (or God—the desire for a unio mystica with God is the desire of the Buddhist for nothingness, Nirvana—and no more!).


I wearied of the day to day life which surrounded me.


We see this when Wilbur writes,"my eyes where tired of looking into darkness, my sunbaked head of hanging down a hole."


A couple jerseys Went from the sunny state to Jersey, puffin hershey Let off, get off, or get spin off spit off, set off, spun off the chest off the roof -- a hundred and seventy-eight proof of boost Gangster Daz and Kurupt let loose This is it, short change dip wit us Who ride wit us I'm tired of this I'm tired of that I'm bout to bust, fool where's the strap G fo' flow for sho', bounce galo' Up and down stairs beats everywhere I go Calico excursions, different diversions Homicidal resurgance, swerve and see my homey on the corner chippin the curb and any busta get close enough we servin Homey don't get nervous Beware, Daz Kurupt fool beware Rippin it up fool so you better beware of my crew, dre'd and blued up, get chewed up You and your all crap crew get bruised up I'm the one you love to hate so give me mine and pay dues and now I'm livin the life of crime Switched up, hit em up, blast or get em up Forty-five, Tec nines blast or hit em up Aww yeah

一对夫妇球衣从阳光普照的国家泽西岛,海雀赫尔希放,下车,还是分拆吐痰时,抵销,分拆的胸部从屋顶- 100和78的证据提高大佬Daz和Kurupt让松这是它的短期变化浸机智我们谁坐我们的智慧我已经厌倦了这我已经厌倦了的我比赛以破灭,傻瓜在哪里带 G的重力'流翔',跳出加洛卡'上下楼梯节拍我去世界各地卡利科游览,不同改道杀人抬头,突然转向,并看到我家在一个拐角上的遏制和chippin任何布斯塔亲近足够我们servin 家庭不要紧张小心,小心Daz Kurupt傻瓜 Rippin它傻瓜,以便更好地为您提防我国船员, dre'd和blued行动,取得了咀嚼您和您的所有垃圾得到撞伤了船员我是一个你所爱的仇恨,以便给我排雷并支付会费和现在我的生活中生存犯罪开关行动,打击时间了,爆炸或者时间了有45个,科技99.999爆炸或袭击时间了 Aww是参考一下

It wearies me. I don't see it wearies you.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
