英语人>网络例句>厌倦 相关的搜索结果


与 厌倦 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you're tired of drowning in black and aluminum interiors, opt for the lighter Cardamom Beige with Ash wood trim.


If you choose a career that does not fit you,you can start over.today,growing numbers of people are changing careers or getting second starts in careers that have greater appeal to them.society no longer attaches the stigma7) of "instability" to the idea of career hopping,as it once did.motives or reasons for changing careers vary widely,but many people move because they feel stale or fed up with a grinding or dull routine.for some,a second start grows out of the realization that what they want out of life is not what they are doing,and they decide to do these things they enjoy and believe to be important.certainly,time spent in one occupation is likely to narrow the range of later occupational choices,very few people have the motivation and financial resources to start a completely new career in midlife.most people move to a related field that involves a minimum8) of new training.


During the lunch of artichoke soup, octopus carpaccio and sea bass, Putin did not say what he would do after he stepped down but at one point even expressed weariness with politics and said he had not been successful in rooting out corruption.


In Spain,"the tired out of civil strife, Spain's representative institutions Castilian control of Congress will be handed over to royal tax," in France, because "three meeting the aspirations of their desire to end France's unrest, so that the royal family does not After the consent of the will to win the right to levy taxes, creating tensions that power has passed, that authority has long been preserved."


Robert Ryan brings a sad dignity to his former gunfighter tamed into a meek town marshal, and Lee J. Cobb is introspective and thoughtful as the aging cattleman weary of his life of violence: It took guns to take this land, guns to keep it, and guns to make it grow....


When Mr Chhabra began to chafe at Global Green's small scale, he was given that option.

当Chhabra先生开始厌倦Global Green这样小规模公司时,集团就给了他选择的机会。

You can use a board instead,or even just draw a rectangle with chalk on the ground. One side starts the ball; the other plays it back.And there goes the game.Nor is the net indispensable.You can make do with a pole, or a few bricks, or simply use a line drawn with chalk.

甚至专修英语的人彼此之间也不太可能或不习惯处处说英语,总感觉不自然或不好意思,常有一种思维惰性,稍微复杂的句子常常是 Chinglish ,发音问题也很多,而且已经厌倦了那些无关自己的生僻的课文和老师的照本宣科。

Here the counsel in his wig and gown, and here the old Jew clothesman under his dingy tiara; here the soldier in his scar let, and here the undertaker's mute in streaming hat band and worn cotton glove s; here the scholar, fumbling his faded leaves, and here the scented actor, dang ling his showy seals. Here the glib politician, crying his legislative panaceas; and here the peripatetic Cheap Jack, holding aloft his quack cures for human ills. Here The sleek capitalist, and there the sinewy labourer; here the man of sc ience, and here the shoe black; here the poet, and here the water rate collect or; here the cabinet minister, and there the ballet dancer. Here a red nosed p ublican, shouting the praises of his vats; and here a temperance lecturer at fif ty pounds a night; here a judge, and there a swindler; here a priest, and there a gambler. Here a jewelled duchess, smiling and gracious; here a thin lodging house keeper, irritable with cooking; and here a wabbling, strutting thing, tawdry in paint and finery.


Tired of wandering, do not want child's play, you want a real feelings.


If you've arrived here because you're chronically depressed and thoroughly fed up with it, you're very welcome.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
