英语人>网络例句>厌世 相关的搜索结果


与 厌世 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, existentialism falls into to person's realistic destiny sighing with sadness, becomes the people from the sorrowful self-pity pessimism and misanthropy philosophy.


The high school time is sets up the correctoutlook on life the best time, the high school thought politicallesson teaching to sets up the correct outlook on life to have thevery important function, but the middle-school student in sets up inthe outlook on life process to have the personal interest supremely,seeks after leads a life of comfort, pessimism and misanthropy and soon the question, important reason is the thought political lessonteaching attenuation.


He is handsome with wild oats and world-weariness and is living in scene of debauchery, but this doesn't influence his most works during his short life at all. He not only takes in early renaissance drawer Botticelli's accessorized lines and morbidezza female tinge, but also gets the inspiration(replanting the lateral nose to the frontal portraiture) from cubism, introjects the exaggeration way of ancient African woodcutting and brings the Pre-Raphaelite melancholy temperament into play fully so that forms his own extraordinary style from inspiration based on representation. Particularly, his special representation for female nude is noticeable.


He experienced the United States from the "freedom" property origin a doctrine to imperialistic of development process, its thought and creations also expresses for adjust to smile mordacity's irony to arrive a pessimism cynical development stage again from the agility.


Wang Guowei believe that 'The Peach Blossom Fan' is with a kind of spirit to free one's mind from world-weariness,differing from traditional Chinese optimistical soul.


The announcement of his memorial meeting said he was a martyr of society. Mao Zedong said that "an useful man died for indignation". President Sun Zhongshan spoke in praise of his eager ambition for serving the country. President's secretary insisted that he was not "world-weary" but "salvation". Academia's discussion took it for granted that his character was cleanly and faithful, and spoke highly of his remonstrant spirit against bad customs as "three don't" and the significance of caution for people who was pursuing the idea society because of his devoting life.


Live in self-abandonment, this is a snake which decays and chews to bite a mind forever, it absorbs the fresh blood of mind, and infuse into therein cynical with despairing venom.


The main cause of his suicide was the severe conflict between his ideal and the reality; leaving from the reality, Ge Mai lived in a language Utopia, confused the reality and the dream, and the isolation, confusion, illusion and the self-closing was his spiritual state; there was a strong consciousness of death in his inner world which was irresistible to him and the "death" was the only way for him to get a new life.


Are most concerned about their no use, is superfluous man, the waste, so he would have low self-esteem and hate themselves, that psychological development to severe, they will self-flagellation, and world-weary.

可可 人最担心自己一无用处,是多余的人、是废物,那样他就会自卑和讨厌自己,这种心理发展到严重时,就会自虐和厌世

However, this feeble critic and weak struggler was introduced to public once again, decorated in an album called 《The Night Hasn't Slept》, vaguely driven away from monotony and sex; even the vulgar cardiotonics like 《Stars light lamps》《Sailor》were gone – the world-wearied youngster has grown up.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
