英语人>网络例句>压缩机 相关的搜索结果


与 压缩机 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The relations between the simulation circuit parameters and the linear motor parameters were achieved by analyzing the equivalent circuit of the linear motor and the simulation circuit of piston displacement self-sensor.


The mathematical models of mechanical system, thermodynamic system and electromagnetic system of a compressor driven by moving-magnet linear motor were established on the basis of the control method that piston's displacement is changed by changing the triac's time of flow.


The attainable pressure of the pump piston compressor is always considerably higher than the maximum pump pressure.


Based on the analysis of the failure cause of piston packing ring, air valve and unit pipeline vibration,the methods to solve are proposed.


The causes of gas pulsations in dry twin screw air compressor are analyzed firstly in this thesis.


By means of containers we can effectively eliminate gas pulsations and mechanical vibrations in the pipe system of compressors.


Overview Main Products containing the following: pad printer series 1, paragraph 58; monochrome to eight-color 2 screen printing machine series 38; cap / bottle / barrel surface silk screen printing machine automatic bottle machine hoses UV printing press 3 tipping machine, heat transfer machine Series 28 paragraph: fully automatic bottle cap shaped bottle gilt, gilt barrels / heat transfer machine 4 surrounding equipment series: 68 paragraph Air compressor Flame processor machine UV light solid metal etching machine net machine plate screen washing machine oven / Board furnace cabinet plastic injector sandblasting machine polishing mechanism grinder plate printing head scratching equipment grinding machine plastic ink viscosityframe transfer device beater trademark printing machine ink dye transfer gas water coated paper transfer equipment to hot / water transfer paper printing machine conveyor equipment / Heat Transfer Machine 5 Agents for sale:: imported ink - Germany Marabu MA to Po; French Dolby Dubuit; British Apollo Apollo; British Coates Gaoshi, etc.; France T3, Switzerland Sefar tournament yarn hair net;France watts, such as plastic scraper.

主要产品含概如下: 1移印机系列 58款;单色至八色 2丝印机系列 38款;瓶盖/瓶子/桶面丝印机全自动印瓶机UV软管印刷机· 3烫金机、热转印机系列 28款:·全自动异形瓶盖烫金·酒瓶盖、桶烫金/热转印机· 4周边设备系列: 68款空气压缩机·火焰处理机·UV光固机·金属蚀刻机·拉网机·晒版机·网版清洗机·烤箱/局炉·喷油柜·塑胶喷砂机·钢板研磨机·抛光机·制移印头设备·磨胶刮机·凉干架·油墨粘度器·调油墨机·打浆机·商标印刷机·气染转印·水披覆纸转印设备·热转/水转印纸印刷机·分切机·输送带设备/烫画机 5代理销售::进口油墨--德国Marabu马来宝;法国 Dubuit杜比;英国Apollo阿波罗;英国Coates高氏等;法国T3、瑞士Sefar赛发网纱;法国watts威特斯、胶刮等。

The oil has to have a low pour point in order to flow and still have sufficient viscosity for the compressor lubrication.


Working principle: Transport goods in sealed tube by the power of compressing and pumping air.


IMW, a compressor manufacturer and packager, is looking for a mechanical design engineer with some working experience.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。