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与 压力记录仪 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The pressure-time downhole recording meter is an instrument used to record downhole pressure data verse time during the formation breakdown in high-energy gas application, The effect of formation breakdown has a near relation with the breakdown pressure, its onset time and maintain time.


Objective The experiment copied the wiry pulse by hurting rabbits and internennous drop infusing noradrenalin in rabbits and dogs,using NX-3 multifunctional sphygmograph to note the change of the sphygmogram, analyzing the time domain parameters,and classifying them attributively. It is a benefiting research work for teaching Chinese Traditional Medicine pulse diagnosis, although for applying Chinese Traditional Medicine indication to developing new Chinese drug.

目的 本实验通过对家兔疼痛刺激和对家兔、犬静脉滴注去甲肾上腺素复制动物弦脉模型,使用 NX-3 型多功能脉图仪记录压力脉图,对脉图时域参数进行分析并进行脉象的属性归类,为中医脉诊教学,也为今后新药研发中加入中医脉诊指标作初步的探索。

Thesignals of neutron, temperature, flow and pressure are recorded by multichannelanalog magnetic recorder and are analysed by the dynamical signal analyser ofSD375 type, to obtain auto-power spectrum density, cross-power spectrumdensity, phase shift, coherence and transfer function.

文章叙述了改建的重水研究反应堆(HWRR-3)和高温高压回路的噪声分析。利用多路模拟磁带仪记录中子、温度、流量和压力的信号。这些信号利用SD 375型动态信号分析仪进行分析,求得自动功率谱密度、互功率谱密度、相位、相干和传递函数等。

Based on the condition of No. 4324 super-wide fully mechanized top-coal caving island face in Xinglongzhuang coal mine of Yanzhou Mining Group, the setting load and working resistance of hydraulic powered support were continuously recorded by means of the self-recording pressure instrument.


Methods 2.1 The experiment about changing electricic pressure values into the pulse-taking pressure values of making pressure standars of sphygmograph. Putting 1g、2g、5g、10g、20g、50g、100g、140g weights on the black1 probe and the black2 probe of NX-3 multifunctional sphygmograph ,putting 1g、2g、5g、10g、20g、50g weights on the purple probe of NX-3 multifunctional sphygmograph. Then we noted the the different pressure numerical value when putting none and different weights on the probes to prove the liner relationship between them. 2.2 Setting up wiry pulse model in achy rabbits We operated on the non-drugged state rabbits, exposure the carotid.

2.1 关于电学压力值与实际压力值换算的脉图仪压力定标实验:NX—3 多功能脉图仪黑色探头 1 和黑色探头 2 上放置 1g、2g、5g、10g、20g、50g、100g、140g砝码,NX—3 多功能脉图仪紫色探头放置 1g、2g、5g、10g、20g、50g 砝码分别记录两种脉图仪共三个探头其空载、探头上放置砝码时脉象采集仪上所显示的取脉压力值,验证砝码重与取脉压力值的线性关系。

Methods: 5 cases of craniocerebral diseases with secondary hydrocephalus were selected to be monitored by LNP-Ⅰ translumbar epidural space intracranial pressure monitor and LY-Ⅱ ventricular pressure monitor grabually. With horizontal position, we recorded with IVP and ISEDP pressure one time per 5 minutes , The datums of LNP-I monitor in the repeated operations were compared with that of IVP, While variations of clinic symptoms, wave forms of pressure, and intermittent ventriculus dranage in the intracranial hypertension were observed.


Sleep polysomnography was performed during three consecutive 6-hr periods, one with each mode in random order. Airway pressure and thorax and abdomen plethysmography were used to diagnose central apneas and ineffective efforts.


Methods Mouse spontaneous activities under the influence of the koumine injection were recorded with a photoelectric counter, and canine femoral artery pressure was de termined by CYS-0.5 pressure transducer, respiratory curve described with TB-61 1 tension transducer and electrocardiogram recorded with subcutaneous elec -trodes in the extremities after the ...


With strong technical force, high-quality staff team and the courage to open up the spirit of technology, Anton has developed a series of international advanced level of intelligent instruments and meters, the main products are: LU-900M Series can adjust the temperature control device, LU-R / C Series process control logger, LU-190 Series Intelligent Power Detector, LU-C Series pressure transmitter, LU-A/B/AB Series°¤with electrical isolation, LU-50 Series Intelligent Flow Totalizer Miriam count, JKH phase-shifting flip-flop, DP series digital current and voltage table, a type of temperature control cabinet, ANTHONE DCS Distributed Control System.

凭借雄厚的技术力量、高素质的员工队伍和勇于开拓技术的精神,安东公司开发出了一系列具有国际先进水平的智能仪器仪表,主要产品有:LU-900M系列只能温度控制调节仪、LU-R/C系列过程控制记录仪、LU-190系列智能电力检测仪、LU-C系列压力变送器、LU-A/B/AB系列隔离安全栅配电器、LU-50系列智能流量积算仪、JKH移相触发器、DP系列数字电流电压表、个类型温度控制柜、ANTHONE DCS集散控制系统。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
