英语人>网络例句>卫生部 相关的搜索结果


与 卫生部 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All the objectives for the 8 tech-nical cooperativei tems have been realized.


Sweeney said New York health officials want to make H.I.V screening a routine part of care.


Spains Health Ministry said three people who just returned from Mexico were under observation in hospitals in the northern Basque region, in southeastern Albacete and the Mediterranean port city of Valencia.


The pay-scale in IJN is much better than that in the Health Ministry, but this is not due to supplementary income derived from private practice after office hours but by a better salary structure.


All medical device intended for sale in Brazil must be registered with the Agencia Nacional Vigilancia de Sanitaria.


KABUL, May 12-- Nearly 100 girl students and teachers of a school in Kapisa province, 80 km north of the Afghan capital Kabul, mysteriously fell unconscious on Tuesday, spokesman of Public Health Ministry Ahmad Farid Rahed said.

新华社喀布尔5月12日电-一所学校的近100名女学生和教师出现神秘昏迷,该学校位于阿富汗首都喀布尔以北80公里的卡皮萨省,星期二,公共卫生部的发言人Farid Rahed艾哈迈德说。

KABUL, May 12-- Nearly 100 girl students and teachers of a school in Kapisa province, 80 km north of the Afghan capital Kabul, mysteriously fell unconscious on Tuesday, spokesman of Public Health Ministry Ahmad Farid Rahed said.

阿富汗, 5月12日在阿富汗首都喀布尔80公里以北,卡比萨省一所学校差不多100名女学生和老师,在星期二神密的失去知觉,公共卫生部发言人法里德前辈说

KABUL, May 12-- Nearly 100 girl students and teachers of a school in Kapisa province, 80 km north of the Afghan capital Kabul, mysteriously fell unconscious on Tuesday, spokesman of Public Health Ministry Ahmad Farid Rahed said.

KAVUL新华社5月12日电讯:卫生部发言人Ahmad Farid Rahed 说,在距阿富汗首都喀布尔以北80公里的Kapisa市的一所学校里,将近有一百名的女学生和老师在周二神秘地无意识地倒地。

KABUL, May 12-- Nearly 100 girl students and teachers of a school in Kapisa province, 80 km north of the Afghan capital Kabul, mysteriously fell unconscious on Tuesday, spokesman of Public Health Ministry Ahmad Farid Rahed said.

喀布尔,5月12日,新华社报道---位于阿富汗首都喀布尔北80公里的一所学校里,大约100名学生和教师周二莫名地感到不舒服,公共卫生部发言人Farid Rahed说。

KABUL, May 12-- Nearly 100 girl students and teachers of a school in Kapisa province, 80 km north of the Afghan capital Kabul, mysteriously fell unconscious on Tuesday, spokesman of Public Health Ministry Ahmad Farid Rahed said.

喀布尔,五月十二号-公共卫生部发言人Ahmad Farid Rahed称阿富汗首都喀布尔北80千米远的卡比萨省一所学校的接近一百名女生和老师神秘的陷入昏迷中。

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
