- 与 卢丁 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
After the battle of Borodino, and the taking and burning of Moscow, historians consider the most important episode of the war of 1812 to be the movement of the Russian army from the Ryazan to the Kaluga road and to the Tarutino camp, the so-called oblique march behind Krasnaya Pahra.
Mr Berlusconi's lawyer is bringing an action against El País because it published the Sardinian photographs.
贝卢斯科尼的律师对El Pais采取了行动,因为他刊登了撒丁岛的照片。
Thus he shut himself up, he lived there, he was absolutely satisfied with it, leaving on one side the prodigious questions which attract and terrify, the fathomless perspectives of abstraction, the precipices of metaphysics--all those profundities which converge, for the apostle in God, for the atheist in nothingness; destiny, good and evil, the way of being against being, the conscience of man, the thoughtful somnambulism of the animal, the transformation in death, the recapitulation of existences which the tomb contains, the incomprehensible grafting of successive loves on the persistent _I_, the essence, the substance, the Nile, and the Ens, the soul, nature, liberty, necessity; perpendicular problems, sinister obscurities, where lean the gigantic archangels of the human mind; formidable abysses, which Lucretius, Manou, Saint Paul, Dante, contemplate with eyes flashing lightning, which seems by its steady gaze on the infinite to cause stars to blaze forth there.
Bernard of Tuscany and of Lombardy, approved by Alexander VI (1497); the Congregation of Portugal, or of Alcobaca, founded in 1507; the Congregation of the Feuillants, founded by John de la Barriere in 1563, which spread into France and Italy, the monasteries of Italy, however, eventually detaching themselves from those of France to form the Congregation of the Riformati di San Bernardo; the Congregation of Aragon, approved by a Bull of Paul V (1616); the Congregation of Rome, or of Central Italy, created by a Decree of Gregory XV in 1623; the Congregation of Calabria and Lucania, established by Urban VIII in 1633, and to which was united the old Congregation of Flore, which had for its founder Blessed Joachim surnamed "the Prophet".
该教会的庆祝圣伯纳德西班牙,创办的大教堂马丁的巴尔加斯,在1425年,在附近的蒙锡永托莱多;聚集的圣伯纳德的托斯卡纳和伦巴第大区,批准了亚历山大六世( 1497年);圣座葡萄牙,或阿尔科巴萨,成立於1507年;圣座的Feuillants ,成立由John德拉鲁阿巴里耶尔在1563年,它蔓延到法国和意大利,意大利的寺院,但最终脱离自己免受这些法国形成教会的Riformati圣贝尔纳多;圣座阿拉贡,批准了红牛的保五( 1616年);的罗马天主教,或中央意大利,创造了一项法令的格雷戈里在1623年十五;圣座的卡拉布里亚和卢卡尼亚设立城市第八於1633年,并是美国的旧教会的花神,它的创办人有福约阿希姆姓&先知&。
Irreconcilably alienated from his wife, Austin fell in love in 1882 with Mabel Loomis Todd, an Amherst College faculty wife who had recently moved to the area.
当时奥斯丁与其妻琴瑟不调, 1882 年与刚搬入此地的有妇之夫梅贝尔卢米斯托德相恋,其时梅贝尔的丈夫任职于艾姆赫斯特学院。
The top Chinese pair in women's doubles, won for their country the first-ever gold medal in tennis, beating Conchita Martinez and Virginia Ruano Pascual from Spain 6-3, 6-3 in the final at the Olympic Games
在奥运会上,中国的头号选手在网球女子双打的决赛中,分别以两个6 : 3的比分击败了来自西班牙的孔切塔·马丁内斯和尼娅·卢阿诺·帕斯库阿尔,为我国赢得了第一枚网球比赛的金牌。
The Affiliated Somatological Hospital, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350002, China
作者:作者:卢友光,杨春桃,丁林灿,佘林作者单位:福建医科大学附属口腔医院,福州 350002 来源:医学期刊/大学学报收藏本文章
The Affiliated Somatological Hospital, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350002, China
作者:卢友光,杨春桃,丁林灿,佘林作者单位:福建医科大学附属口腔医院,福州 350002
That is precisely what has come to pass and Mourinho's plan will be formulating. He will be aware of the success Guus Hiddink's Chelsea had in asphyxiating the Catalans for long periods in last season's semi-final second leg, an evening when Michael Essien's dynamism and the relentless hassling and harrying of Michael Ballack, Frank Lampard and Florent Malouda stifled the visitors.
Thus he shut himself up, he lived there, he was absolutely satisfied with it, leaving on one side the prodigious questions which attract and terrify, the fathomless perspectives of abstraction, the precipices of metaphysics--all those profundities which converge, for the apostle in God, for the atheist in nothingness; destiny, good and evil, the way of being against being, the conscience of man, the thoughtful somnambulism of the animal, the transformation in death, the recapitulation of existences which the tomb contains, the incomprehensible grafting of successive loves on the persistent _I_, the essence, the substance, the Nile, and the Ens, the soul, nature, liberty, necessity; perpendicular problems, sinister obscurities, where lean the gigantic archangels of the human mind; formidable abysses, which Lucretius, Manou, Saint Paul, Dante, contemplate with eyes flashing lightning, which seems by its steady gaze on the infinite to cause stars to blaze forth there.
- 推荐网络例句
Fancy gold-plated dangling earrings with facetted White Opal crystals.
This essay chooses the study aim from biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang which tells us that most of the middle school biology teachers in Shi Jiazhuang have the"burnout", lower successfulness, individualize.
In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).