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与 卡尔斯特 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From Mikan to West to Goodrich to Wilt to Kareem to Magic.


Some of the stories turn out to be authentic folk myths and legends—Parsifal, Oedipus, Hamlet—but others are entirely Calvino's own.


In his Carson Pirie Scott Department Store (1899) and the McClurg building in Chicago, Sullivan's concept is seen at its best.


Mr Olmert said there was "a direct connection" between the constant Kassam rocket attacks on Sderot and other Gaza Belt communities, and the murder of eight yeshiva students and wounding of 11 others in Jerusalem.

奥尔默特说,有"直接连线"之间的不断卡萨姆火箭弹袭击对斯德洛特和其他加沙地带的社区,并杀害了8神学院的学生和受伤, 11人在耶路撒冷。

His work has been exhibited in the 47th Venice Biennial (1997); the Carnegie International (1985-86), the Whitney Biennial (1983), and Documenta V (1972) and VII (1982), and he has exhibited recent retrospectives at the Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien and the Kunsthaus Graz in Austria.


Among the naturalists may be mentioned: Roger Bacon (d. 1294); the so-called Schwarzer Berthold (c. 1300), the reputed discoverer of gunpowder; Luca Pacioli (d. about 1510); Elektus Zwinger (d. 1690); Charles Plumier d.

在大自然可能会提到:罗杰培根(草1294 );所谓的施瓦泽贝特霍尔德(角1300 ),发现者的声誉火药;卢卡帕乔利(草约1510年); Elektus茨温格宫(草1690年);查尔斯Plumier (草1704 )。

Danish composer whose polytonal and contrapuntal works include several symphonies, the opera ''.


Danish composer whose polytonal and contrapuntal works include several symphonies,the opera Saul and David1903,and chamber works.


In Durban proposals to rename streets after heroes of the new South Africa, such as Yasser Arafat and Fidel Castro, have been met with harrumphs.


This is the case of this house,"casa 3", situated in the original Acapulco Town, very near the yatch Club that held the nautical activities of the 1968 Olympics, a house build by functionalist architect Hector Mestre in the year 1953, in a complex of 5 house, this particular house with a special condition, that is placed right on the bay with no construction obstructing the view of the old port, the ancient fort and the Modern bay.

在这种情况下,casa 3坐落在原阿卡普尔科镇不远的游艇俱乐部附近,这座游艇俱乐部曾经在1968年奥林匹克运动会上进行过航海比赛。这座房屋在1953年由建筑师埃克托尔梅斯特设计,由5个单间合成,这一特殊的房子,有个特殊的功能:即在海湾边上没有阻碍的可以欣赏到旧海港,古炮台和现代湾。

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In fact it's called the Sate .


Recent work at HKUST had successfully developed a n ew lightweight, ultra-low density filter material based on photoactive


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