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An interview guide, entitled "Maternal Perception of the Onset of Lactation", was also used to obtain milk secretion data. Results found a mean onset of lactation of 78.2±18.7 hours (range=42 to 121 hours). The prevalence of delayed lactation onset was 43.6%(n=58). Slighly over half of participants (56.9%, n=33) were primiparous. Parity, total second stage of labor duration, duration of second labor stage beyond one hour, and perinea wound pain were the most significant predictors of delayed lactation onset.


Results 76.92% of the AFLP cases occur in primipara and 69.23% with male fetus. Prodromic symptoms include malaise, nausea, vomiting, jaundice. Laboratory results indicated coagulopathy, liver function abnormalities, hypoglycemia, hypoproteinemia and negative uric bilirubin. There occurred two maternal deaths (15.4%) but no fetal deaths.

结果 AFLP76.92%发生于初产妇,男性胎儿69.23%,前驱症状为乏力、纳差、恶心、呕吐、黄疸,实验室检查示凝血病、肝功能异常、低血糖、低蛋白血症、尿胆红素阴性,产妇死亡2例,15.4%,无围产儿死亡。

RESULTS The Gram-positive cocci were 135 cases in 207 caes patients of bloody infection (56.2%). The proportion of opportunistic pathogens rose (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The incidence of children was higher than adult (58:42). The infant of <1 year was 36.2%. The newborn of<30d was 31.4%.192 cases patients(92.8%) had protopathy or complicating diseases. No-normal birth was important susceptible factor to nowborn of bloody infection. The septicemia of Gram-negative bacillus, nowborn of no-normal birth and other septicemia of be accompanied by severe disease were main cause of death in our guoup.

结果 207例血液感染以G+球菌为主(56.2%),且条件致病菌感染有增多趋势(P<0.05或P<0.01);儿童发病显著高于成人(58:42),其中<1岁婴幼儿36.2%,<30d新生儿31.4%;192例(92.8%)有原发病或夹杂病;非正常生产已成为了新生儿血液感染的重要易感因素;G-杆菌败血症、不正常分娩新生儿以及伴有严重疾病的其他败血症患者是本组病例的主要死亡原因。

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In 29 cases, infiltrated regien tissue, scar-like collagen, surrounding soft tissue, envelope or vessel: frozen section to paraffin section 86.2%/96.6%, 100%/100%, 37.9%/41.4%, 13.8%/41.4% and 0.0%/10.3%, respectively. Referenced criteria line of psammoma bodies, necrosis and cells heteromorphism appeared in frozen section and paraffin section 62.1%/58.6%, 13.8%/10.3% and 37.9%/24.1% respectively.


The results show that ordered phases precipitated and formed a pseudobinary system; precipitated earlier than g phase by a congruent ordering + spinodal decomposition mechanism and thus produced a nonstoicheometric ordered phase, then the nonstoicheometric g phase precipitated by a non--classical nucleation and growth mechanism at the boundaries of phases, meanwhile, both of them transformed to stoicheometric ordered phases.


The results showed that the NOx reduction efficient increased with the increase of the reburn zone temperature.


Resalt In these cases, the positions of hemorrhage of 64 patients were in lobe of brain; that of 33 patients was in basal ganglia; that of 29 patients was in cerebral ventricle and that of 9 patients was in cerebellum.


Results The level of antibodies against monocytes (34.94%) were higher than that of the antibodies against lymphocytes (26.67%) in pretransplant patients. The level of antibodies in first time transplant patients (32.5%) was lower than that of antibodies in retransplant patients (59.7%). The patients with intensity of antibodies against monocytes PRA more than ≥50% only accounted for 1.87%, 10%< MPRA <50% for 17.62% and MPRA <10% 15.44%,respectively.

结果 肾移植术前患者的抗单核细胞抗体水平较抗淋巴细胞抗体水平高,其百分比分别为34.94%和26.67%;而从患者初次和再次肾移植前的比较中可见,初次比再次产生的抗单核细胞抗体水平要低,其百分比分别为32.05%和59.7%;对于抗单核细胞抗体群体反应性抗体的强度,MPRA≥50%的只1.87%,而50%<MPRA>10%以及MPRA<10%的分别17.62%和15.44%。

Among the 45 neurons generating phasic firing, 8 (17.78﹪) neurons could still be induced phasic firing after treatment with 1×10-2 μg/mL SVHRP and 37 (82.22﹪) neurons had no responses to the stimulation. The AP firing of neurons was dramatically different after treatment with SVHRP (P<0.01, n=45). Among the 7 repetitive firing neurons, all of them could only generate 1 or 0 AP instead of repetitive firing when SVHRP was applied. The number of APs was 14.57±1.00 and 0.57±0.20 before and after SVHRP treatment (P<0.01, n=7). The AP rheobase was (75.10±8.99) pA and (119.85± 12.73) pA before and after 1 × 10-4 μg/mL SVHRP application, respectively (P<0.01,n=8). The AP threshold was increased from (-41.17±2.15) mV to (-32.40±1.48) mV after 1×10-4 μg/mL SVHRP treatment (P<0.01,n=8). The peak amplitude of AP was (68.49±2.33) mV for the neurons before treatment with 1×10-4 μg/mL SVHRP and (54.71±0.81)mV after treatment (P<0.01, n=8). These results showed that SVHRP could decrease the AP firing frequency, increase the AP rheobase and threshold, but decrease the AP peak amplitude of hippocampal neurons.

在产生位相放电的45个细胞中,有8个细胞在SVHRP处理后仍可以诱发出位相放电(17.78﹪);37个细胞在SVHRP处理后无法诱导出位相放电(82.22﹪),SVHRP处理后动作电位的产生与处理前相比,有显著差异(P<0.01,n=45);在产生重复放电的7个细胞中,在1×10-2μg/mL SVHRP作用后均不能再次诱发出重复放电,而是产生一个动作电位或不再产生动作电位,药物处理前产生的动作电位个数为14.57±1.00,SVHRP处理后产生动作电位的个数为0.57±0.20,二者之间有显著性差异(P<0.01,n=7)。1×10-4 μg/mLSVHRP处理后,诱发动作电位产生的基强度由(75.10±8.99)pA增加到(119.85±12.73)pA(P<0.01,n=8);阈电位由(-41.17±2.15)mV升至(-32.40±1.48)mV(P<0.01,n=8);动作电位峰值由(68.49±2.33)mV下降至(54.71±0.81)mV(P<0.01,n=8)。

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But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
