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The victories of Cressy and Poitiers may be to some extent accounted for by superior generalship and discipline on the part of the conquerors; but this will not account for the great naval victory over the Spanish fleet off the coast of Sussex, a victory even more surprising and won against greater odds than was that gained in the same waters centuries later over the Spanish Armada.


Shape animals from 2004 to 2007 was 0.10%. Mus musculus was the dominant specie, accounting for 48.42%. Rattus norvegicus and Crocidura lasiura accounted for 25.79% and 24.43%.


In March, May and July, Cyanophyta was the dominant one, with high proportions of 45.6%, 55.9% and 87.7%, respectively, whereas the proportions for Bacillariophyta decreased to 30.1%, 25.9%, and 1.1%, respectively. In November, proportions for Bacillariophyta and Chlorophyta were equivalent, 40% each, and the Cyanophyta composed below 20%. In December, Bacillariophyta made up 25.6% and Cyanophyta 38.2%. In March, May and July, dominant species of Cyanophyta were Microcystis aeruginosa, Pseudoanabaena, and Gloeothece linearis. In dry January, November and December, species of Bacillariophyta were dominated by A chnanthes sp., Melosira ambigua, Melosira granulata and Cyclotella meneghiniana.


Fibroadenoma is very popular in femal galactophore disease.which occupies about 75% of breast benign tumor; Cystosarcoma phyllodes is not very common and occupies about 1% of breast tumor.

乳腺纤维腺瘤是女性乳腺疾病中的常见病,约乳腺良性肿瘤的75%;乳腺叶状囊肉瘤(cystosarcoma phyllodes,CP),又称叶状肿瘤,属罕见病,所有乳腺肿瘤的1%左右。

Fibroadenoma is very popular in femal galactophore disease.which occupies about 75% of breast benign tumor; Cystosarcoma phyllodes is not very common and occupies about 1% of breast tumor.

中文摘要:乳腺纤维腺瘤是女性乳腺疾病中的常见病,约乳腺良性肿瘤的75%;乳腺叶状囊肉瘤(cystosarcoma phyllodes,CP),又称叶状肿瘤,属罕见病,所有乳腺肿瘤的1%左右。

Methods: Ureteral suspension, partial vaginal reconstruction and suprapubic cystostomy were performed in the end of radical Wertheim hysterectomy in 110 patients with early cervical cancer.


Antibiotics, autipyretic anelgesics and herbal medication were related to 73.3%, 26.7% and 11.1% of DAIN cases respectively.

结果 急性间质性肾炎患者共115例,同期肾活检患者总数的4.0%,其中DAIN45例,39.1%。

Relevant postmortem findings explaining deathin surgical ICU patients who died because of sepsis/septic shockwere a continuous septic focus in approximately 80% and cardiacpathologies in 50%.

解释死于败血症/感染性休克的外科 ICU 病人死亡的有关尸检所见是持续性病灶的约80%,心脏病50%。

And 91.5% of those operations aimed to debride soft tissue,repair and fix the fractured bone.Ninetytwo cases recovered and 8 cases relieved.


RESULTS Duodenal ulcer was the first cause of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Gastric ulcer, cirrhosis, Mallory-Weiss syndrome or acute gastric mucous lesion was the second cause of the illness alternatively. The rate of endoscopy and emergent endoscopy has been going up year after year and got up to 80% in 1998. Bleeding and active hemorrhage, respectively were found in 24.3% and 14.9% of the patients underwent endoscopy before medication. Endoscopic hemostasis was performed in 108 patients by spraying hemostatics and a good response was achieved subsequently. Hemostatics were mainly cimetidine and yunnan baiyao before 1994. Reptilase, pPI, famotidine and ranitidine were used increasingly while cimetidine and yunnan baiyao were used decreasingly. Octreotide was used in patients with cirrhosis commonly. The length of hospital stay and the period from admission to bleeding cease tended to be shorter year by year, but the reduction rate was small. The uses of ranitidine, famotidine, pPI, reptilase, octreotide, early endoscopy and endoscopic therapy may play a role in improving the therapeutic effect of hemostasis, reducing the hospitalization and the mortality.

结果 十二指肠球部溃疡是历年上消化道出血的首要原因,胃溃疡、肝硬变、Mallory -Weiss综合征、急性胃粘膜病变则交替成为第2位出血原因;内镜诊断率和急诊内镜率逐年提高,1998年达到80%,内镜下见出血者内镜检查的24.3%,而见到活动性出血者仅内镜检查者的14.9%;内镜下止血108例次,成功率100%;1994年前治疗药物主要为云南白药和甲氰咪胍,之后,随着立止血、质子泵抑制剂、法莫替丁、雷尼替丁等药物使用的逐渐增多,前二者的使用逐渐减少,善得定多用于肝硬变出血;住院天数和止血天数呈逐年下降的趋势,但幅度微小;雷尼替丁、法莫替丁、PPI、立止血、善得定的使用以及及时的内镜检查和内镜下治疗在提高止血效果、缩短住院天数、降低死亡率方面可能起到了一定作用。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
