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Tungsten resource is a kind of dominant mineral in Gannan .Wolframite metalthere is about 40% of the whole countrys storage and tungsten preparationconcentrate 50%.


The deposit of tungsten and the output of tungsten concentrate in Ganzhou, each take 30% that of total in China. Among them the deposit of high grade wolframite takes as much as 70% that of total in China and 60% in the world. So Ganzhou is called as "Tungsten capital of the world".


The deposit of tungsten and the output oftungsten concentrate in Ganzhou, each take 30% that of total in China.Among them the deposit of high grade wolframite takes as much as 70%that of total in China and 60% in the world. So Ganzhou is called as"Tungsten capital of the world".


While the cost structure in the industry, wood pulp which is approximately 65%~ 75%, 50% of the waste paper about ~ 70%.


Result After addition of wood vinegar, the fermentation temperature of sawdust was obviously increased, and the highest temperature reached 67.0℃,being 3.5℃ higher than that of CK, and the days when fermentation temperature was above 55℃ reached 57 d, being 40 d more than that of CK. After addition of wood vinegars, the bulk density, water-holding voidage and total voidage of sawdust before and after maturity were all higher than that of CK, pH value and EC value were all lower than that of CK, and the proportion of sawdust whose particle size was smaller than 0.5 mm was higher than that of CK, and that of sawdust whose particle size was 0.5-1.0 mm and bigger than 1.0 mm were lower than that of CK.

结果]添加木醋后,木屑的发酵温度明显提高,最高温度为67.0℃,比对照高3.5℃,发酵温度大于55℃的天数达到57 d,比对照多40 d;添加木醋后,木屑的容重、持水空隙度和总空隙度腐熟前后均高于对照,pH值和EC值均低于对照,粒径<0.5 mm的木屑所比重高于对照,粒径为0.5~1.0 mm和>1.0 mm的木屑所比重均低于对照。

A dye recycled photosensitization system has been designed. As a result of studies in the mechanism of electron transfer reaction of xanthene iodonium salt, it is proposed that the dye-recycled process consists of three-step reactions during the photosensitization: The oxidative fading product of dye is formed through electron transfer under irradiation; In the presence of H-donor, product changes into acidic leuco dye product; Product undergoes deprotonization under action of base to regenerate initial dye.


The characteristics of ecological type and life form of plants in Artemisia ordosica community are the higher proportion of hemicryptophyte and vivacious herbage and the important role of xerophyte and psammophyte in the communities.


Xerophyte shrub species could affect interception loss. For the Artemisia ordosica community with an average cover of 34 and the canopy projection of 39 cm×100 cm, the canopy storage capacity is 0.7 mm, and average interception loss is 26.82% of the total annual precipitation. In cont rast, for the Caragana korshinskii community with an average cover of 30 % and the canopy projection of 40.7 cm×100 cm , the canopy storage capacity is 013 mm , and average interception loss is 17 % of the total annual precipitation.

结果表明,不同灌木类型的群落之间对降水截留的影响存在显著差别,对盖度达34%的油蒿群落而言,当单株植物投影面积平均为3900cm2时,其冠层截留容量约为0 7mm,群落截留损失水量平均年降水量的26 8%;而盖度达30%的柠条群落,当单株植物投影面积平均为4070cm2时,其冠层截留容量约为0 3mm,群落截留损失水量平均年降水量的17%。

Results among the 128 patients, 71.9% elder than 51-years-old, the lesions of 53.9% of patients located in the exposure sites, such as face and neck. For pathologic feature, six patterns were learned, the most frequent types were hyperkeratosis arid acanthosis. The clinical diagnosis consisted with pathologic diagnosis in 89 cases.

结果 六种类型脂溢性角化病的组织象均可见到,并以棘层肥厚型和角化过度型为主。51岁以上发病者71.9%,头、面、颈等暴光部位发病者53.9%,临床和病理诊断特合89例,临床误诊率30.47%。

Collembola and Acarina were the dominant group, accounting for 45.82% and 25.72% of total capture, respectively. The common group was Coleoptera, Isopoda, Oligachaeta, Diptera, Gastropoda, Orthoptera and Coleoptera larvae, accounting for 5.63%, 5.01%, 4.32%, 3.10%, 2.36%, 2.32% and 1.59%, respectively. The rest was rare group.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
