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与 占 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The wetland ecosystem service function of the reed is 8 items, they mainly show on regulating function of water and protecting soil, they partly account for the valuations of the ecosystem service of reed wetland 35% and 32%, the number of valuations of the ecosystem service is 4 items after it is empoldered to the paddyfield, it is shown as material production value mainly, accounts for 75% of the value of whole ecological service of the system.


The result showed that, in control group, the proportion of palatal suture's expansion in total arch expansion was 70%. However, the figure was 95% in the experimental group.


Study on detecting hypermethylation of the related genes in pancreastic juice to diagnose pancreatic diseases INTRODUCTION Pancreatic cancer is still one of the most common malignant cancers to human, and it is the fourth and sixth cause of death in American and Europe, and also the fifth cause of death in Japan, in our country is the tenth cause of death.


RESULTS Master graduate has grasped the theory of health statistics preferably.The abso-lute majority,namely97.9%of the total students,have used the basic statistic method in their thesis,75.7percent could use statistic method correctly.The main problem arising in using parametric test is that they hadn't judged the applying condition,while in non-parametric test is that the conclusion is wrong.

结果 论文中采用单因素设计者94.0%,多因素设计6.0%,应用正确率为96.6%;论文中使用经典基本数理统计方法为97.9%,统计学方法的正确应用率为75.7%;应用参数统计时出现的主要问题是未进行适用条件判断,而应用非参数统计时出现的主要问题则是推断结论有误。

With seasonal change, the proportion of herbivorous and predatory insect group decreased obviously, while that of parasitical insect group increased on average by 147%.


Religion: Moslem-85%(Sunni-45%, Shiite-39%, other Moslem-10%), Christian, Hindu, Parsi and other- 15%.

宗 教:穆斯林85%(其中40%属逊尼派,30%为什叶派,10%为其它伊斯兰教派),基督教、印度教及其它宗教信仰者15%。

Of endogenous variables with the Root-Mean-Square Percent Error between simulated values and actual values less than 5%, and 81. 8% of endogenous variables with RMSPE less than 10%, which implies that the overall goodness of the model is satisfactory.


Intrusion Alarm and perimeter protection products accounted for 22% of its overseas products accounted for 50%.


METHODS:All data related to use of antibiotics was collected from Financial Office and Pharmaceutic Section in our hospital.


When it comes to fatty acid compositions, PUFAs contents of T. sp-1 cultured in the mixotrophic and phototrophic conditions are 55. 44% and 44. 20% of total fatty acids, respectively. The contents of saturated and monosaturated fatty acids of T. sp-1 cultured under heterotrophic conditions are higher, their contens are 32. 84% and 35. 29% of total fatty acids, respectively.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
