英语人>网络例句>占 相关的搜索结果

与 占 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that water content decreased first, then increased in the gastrula stage of embryonic development, reached the highest content at the second phrase larvae stage and then began to decrease from the third phase larva stage. The content of lipid in the dry weight increased with the embryonic development stages, but decreased at intramembranous nauplius stage, the second phase larva, and the infant stage of larvae development. The rate of lipid in wet weight decreased and the content of C20:4w6、20:5w3 and C22: 6w3 decreased.


The soil faunal specimens collected belonged to 4 phyla, 6 classes and 12 orders. Nematoda was the only dominant group of medium- and small-sized soil fauna, occupying 94.3% of the total, while Coleoptera and Hemiptera were the dominant groups of large-sized soil fauna, with the amount of 79.7%.


Students with sufficient intake of niacin and selenium exceeded 85%, that of protein was 50%, and the source was better.


Students with sufficient sleep and exercise everyday are only one third of all. Nighty percent of students are non-smoking and non-chewng betelnuts and eighty percent of them are non-drinking.

健康相关行为方面:本校学生每日睡眠充足者只l /3,运动量适当者亦只l /3,不吸菸及不嚼槟榔者有九成以上,亦有八成五的学生不喝酒。

A clone from each genotype was randomly selected as representative for sequencing. The obtained 16S rDNA gene sequences had a similarity of 87%-100% with those in the GenBank (www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov), and more than half of them had a similarity lower than 97%, being of new species. Based on phylogenetic analysis, the bacteria in the two soils were classified into 10 groups, with 5 groups in common. The dominant bacterial groups in the two soils differed obviously. In primeval forest soil, the dominant group was Proteobacteria, which had 39 genotypes, occupying 58.0% of all the clones; while in the soil of degraded ecosystem the dominant groups were Acidobacteria and Proteobacteria, which had 19 and 15 genotypes occupying 32.5% and 30.5% of all the clones, respectively. In the soil of degraded ecosystem, Proteobacteria group decreased while Acidobacteria group increased markedly, compared with those in primeval forest soil.


The emission quantity of sulfur dioxide after coal combustion lies on the combustible sulfur compounds, on the other hand, the noncombustible sulfur compounds are complex, a portion of it turn into sulfur dioxide, others leave in coal ashes.


The results indicate, during the period of year 2000 ~2007, the sample firms totally implemented 972 competitive actions and the amount of market actions are 571, accounting for 58.7%; nonmarket actions 313, taking up 32.2%; synergy action 88 and the proportion is 9.05%.


Result: Of a total of 33 cases of patients with nonunion, 24 cases were caused by operation and 9 cases by closed treatment.


The total present value of forest resources mountainous area of Beijing is 314.35 billion yuan in 2003 at the discount rate 5%, of which, the use value is 297.50 billion yuan, accounting for 94.64%; the nonuse value is 16.85 billion yuan, accounting for 5.36%.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
