英语人>网络例句>占 相关的搜索结果

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Results There were 8 rodent species in Yuqing county. RatLus norvegicus was the dominant species among domestic rodents, with 83.97 percent; Apodemus agrariuswas the dominant species in rice field and dry farm land, with 95.16 percent.

结果: 余庆县家柄鼠和农田鼠种有8种,褐家鼠为家栖鼠优势种,总捕鼠数的83.97%;黑线姬鼠为稻田、旱地耕作区优势种,总捕鼠数的95.16%。

Results Among the elderly patients, 73.9% was caused by acid peptic diseases (duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, gastritis, duodenitis , esophagitis ) and 14.5% by gastric carcinoma.

结果 老年人上消化道出血病因中主要为酸相关疾病(十二指肠溃疡、胃溃疡、胃炎、十二指肠炎、食管炎)71例,73.9%;胃癌14例,14.5%。

The pore capacity is becoming smaller with increasingthe vitrinite content. 2. Micro-porosity is dominated in the total pore capacity, which takes more than50%. There is not relationship among pore capacity and specific surface with otherfactors such as Maceral and R0, which shows that the distribution and shapes of poreare not influenced by the composition of the coal. 3. The pore is opened for the coal of Ordos Basin, the order is from durain to clarainthen samples to vitrain. Others are belong to half-opened and thin throat. 4. The adsorption content of gas is increasing with the higher pressure, and the freegas content is decreasing;The adsorption content of gas is decreasing with thehigher temp, and the free gas content is increasing;The adsorption content of gas isincreasing with higher vitrinite content for the kennel coal when temp.

总空隙主要由小孔孔容构成,小孔孔容了50%以上;镜质组含量和惰性组含量等物质以及镜煤反射率均与孔容、比表面未表现出明显的相关性,说明孔隙分布特征不受物质组成的影响 3、鄂尔多斯地区的空隙呈现开放状态为主,空隙开放的次序为暗煤-亮煤-煤样-镜煤,其他盆地则为半封闭和细瓶颈空隙 4、随压力增加,煤对气体的吸附量增加,煤中所含游离气的量随之减小;随温度增加,煤对气体的吸附量减小,而煤中所含游离气的量随之增加;在相同的温压条件下,同是长焰煤的样品,吸附量在孔容中所的比例随镜质组含量增加而增加。

Among the total earing plants of the population in natural cutting grassland, 87% was winterness plants.

在分蘖节成株的年龄结构中,1、2龄株绝对优势,其所比重达 92 。5 %。

And I guess it's the best one to be in since fast-trackers, 24% of the female population, comprise 34% of female earned income.


Sterol content in the ovary of the normal silkworms was highest (about 18% of total lipids) in the early stage of pupation, began to decrease in the middle stage of pupation and dropped to 7% before egg maturation. When SG was removed, its content in the ovary rose significantly, being about 28% of total lipids by eclosion.


The results indicae that the dominant species is Potamogeton malaianus Miq in the six aquatic plants with maximum fresh unit biomass of 6131 g/m^2, accounting for 61.59% of the total sample; The sub-dominant species is Egeria densa Pianch with maximum fresh unit biomass 3716 g/m^2, accounting for 24.78% of the total sample.

测定结果表明:在采集到的6种水草中竹叶眼子菜为优势种群,单位生物量最高为6131 g/平方公尺,全部样本总量的61.59%;水蕴草为次优势种群,单位生物量最高为3716 g/平方公尺,全部样本总量的24.78%。

Results 286 example patient center electrograph exceptionally 203 examples, ST section flat and smooth 26 examples, occupies the unusual electrocardiogram 12.8%, 26 example ST flat and smooth patient moves flat pack movement experiment masculine,21 examples occupies 80.8%.


The results showed that the activation ability value of the elite fencing athletes brain ability of infor oration processing was much higher than that of the normal people, which meant the brain could deal with more information and have more methods of information processing. The superior unilateral brain regions of information processing were the left forebrain and right epencephalon, which were the best match of both- side brain. Female athlete moods were more stable than the male athlete;besides, they were more active, having more powerful logic memory, and more rational thoughts. Among the parameter of FFQG, marginal modulus reflected the consumption of information processing which was related with the fencing athlete athletic for m. T his, the low er the modulus w as, the better w as the athletic for m. T he fencing athlete with good marginal modulus was 6z.4%.w ith the nor oral being 3 }.6%.which indicated that the efficiency of Chinese fencing athlete brain ability of information processing was rather high.


The syndrome differentiation type distributing of ER negative and PR negative breast cancer and triple negative breast cancer is equipotent,The difference has no statistics meaning through chi-sguare(X2) test.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
