英语人>网络例句>占 相关的搜索结果

与 占 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Compare with the curvation forms of synaptic interfac e of control animals and 3days after KA administration animals,the amount of smi le synapses is significantly decresed and the amount of frown synapses is signif icantly increased in the moleculous layer of d entate gyrus 7 days after KA injection.


They also point out that those trading costs include currency risks, tariffs, customs inspections and informational barriers: transport costs have tended to comprise only a third of trading costs, and of course fuel costs are only a proportion of transport costs themselves - probably just under half, even at current oil prices.


Within the fishes, there are 37 cyprinoid fish, accounting for 63.79% of the total, and 21 species of other families 36.21% of total.


For the composites with a low content of TiC particle, the rupture manner was mainly the nucleation of cavity and following ductility splitting fracture. But for the composites with a high content of TiC particle, the cracking and decohesion of TiC particles were the main rupture mechanism. For the composite containing a middle TiC content, the rupture mechanism consisted of the above two styles, but the former was the dominating mechanism and the later was the subordinate mechanism.


The results showed that medical ethics has been learnt in 35 per cent,nursing psychology in 12.7 per cent and nursing administration in 6.4 per cent of the nursing staff.Rare people learnt other subject.It indicates that there is obvious defectiveness in structure of knowledge in nursing staff.


The test results show that the dehumidification system affords around 50% of the total load in humid days and 40% in dry days.

测试结果表明,在室外潮湿的情况下,溶液除湿机组提供的冷量约所需冷量的 5 0 %;在室外相对干燥的情况下,除湿机组提供的冷量约所需冷量的 40 %。

According to statistics, China Dehumidifier 2005 total industry sales of 250 million, of which nearly 96 percent share of all exports.


Calculated results showed that in the Ni2MnIn phase, the atomic orbital magnetic moment of Mn dominates the unit cell's magnetic moment, i. e., about 85% of the total magnetic moments of unit cells. The contribution of Ni to the total cell's magnetic moments is about 15%. As to the In atoms, they show a weak diamagnetism in both phases. In particular, the phase transformation of tetragonal martensite results in the decrease in Fermi energy of Ni2MnIn unit cells by 0.495 eV.


Dias explained that Espirito Santo State "represents only 1% off the territory of Brazil" but boasts "40% of granite quarries in the entire country, 60% of the national stone production and 70% of exports".


Accumulative total hydrocarbon expulsion rate is 60%-80%, of which compactively hydrocarbon expulsion , diffusively hydrocarbon expulsion and micro fissure hydrocarbon expulsion are predominant whereas water soluble facies hydrocarbon expulsion occupies a small proportion.

现今累计排烃率为 6 0 ~ 80 ,其中,压实排烃、扩散排烃和微裂缝排烃主导地位,水溶相排烃只很小比例。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
