英语人>网络例句>占 相关的搜索结果

与 占 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

County-wide total area 3.51,525 million hectares; Plain area area 22,,208 hectares, account for 6.32%; The hillside area 97,,567 hectares, account for 27.67%; The mountain area 2.31,75 million hectares, account for 65.93%.


Premises according to the Shanghai Municipal Bureau data show that the formation of the stock of land five main reasons: one due to the reasons for moving the demolition, has generated more than 230 plots of land area is more than 1390 hectares, accounting for non - start with the conditions of the stock of land 38%; as a result of the reasons for not planning to start in a timely manner, including two by double-cut implementation, which involved 109 projects, covering 623 hectares, accounting for 18%; as a result of processing procedures delayed the start time, involving 175 projects, covering 1126 hectares, the proportion of 31%; debt disputes involving 13 projects, there are 16 hectares, accounting for 2%; other reasons, involving 87 projects , accounting for 14%.

房地根据上海市委局的数据显示,形成存量土地的五个主要理由如下:一,由于移动的原因拆毁,产生了230多块土地面积超过一千三百九十〇公顷,非-启动的条件的存量土地的38 %;由于原因不打算启动及时,包括两个双削减执行,其中涉及109个项目,涉及623公顷,会计为18 %;由于处理程序的开始时间推迟,涉及175个项目,涉及一一二六公顷,这一比例为31 %;债务纠纷,涉及13个项目,有16公顷,2%;其他原因,涉及87项目,14 %。

At one month postoperative examination, uniform ablation was 49.5%, semicircular, keyhole, kidney and dumbbell shaped ablations were 42.9% and central island one was 6.0%.


The incidence of headache was 18.8% and 36.5% in aircrews of helicopter and trainer aircraft,respectively.


In our report, 67.6% of these patients were amebic dysentery, 19.3% were combined infection with amebic and Shigella sonnei dysentery, and 13.1% were Shigella sonnei dysentery.


Methods 42 death cases of cardiovascular system disease with trauma were autopsied systematically and the sections are observed by H.


Using 2MHz pulseultrasonic Doppler probe, the index of hemodynamics such as blood flow rate、audio frequency、vascular pulsation of bilateral vertebral and basilar arteries were detected in order to analyze the diagnosis of cervical spondylosis involoving vertebral artery by Transcranial Color Doppler through the occipital foramen. Results: of all 108 carses, 80 cases were positive(positive rate 74.7%). In CSA group,cases of low flow rate were 45.6%,cases of high flow rate were 28.7%,and cases of no...

为分析经颅多普勒检测椎动脉型颈椎病的诊断价值,采用配对研究方法,用 2MHz脉冲多普勒探头经枕骨大孔窗口,检测左、右椎动脉及基底动脉的血流速度、流向、音频、血管博动指数等血流动力学指标,结果显示 10 8例患者有 80例异常,异常率 74 7%,并发现CSA组低流速者 45 4 %,高流速者 2 8 7%,正常流速者 2 5 9%,与正常对照组间有显著差异(P 0 1),总体而言,低流速型是CSA的主要特征之一。

There were 141 CCTs from 1995 to 2000, the total number of RCT increased from 95 to 1 416 and most of studies were on digestives diseases. Most of these studies had no detailed randomization method description, only 38 (2.68%) studies provided a methodology description.

结果 该11种期刊6年间共发表了22 739篇临床研究,其中随机对照试验 1 416篇(双盲24篇,RCT 总数1.69%),论文总数6.23%;非随机的对照试验 141篇,论文总数0.62%;RCT数量呈逐年上升趋势,并以消化系统疾病研究最多。

The highest population ratio of druggies that were infected by HIV via sharing injector was in Taiwan, followed by Mainland China and Macao, and the least in Hong Kong.

结果 吸毒人数人口由高至低是香港、澳门、国内、台湾;四地滥用药物最多的均是海洛因;经共享针筒感染HIV的人数由多至少是国内、台湾、香港、澳门;经共享针筒感染HIV该年度HIV感染人数比例由高至低是台湾、国内、澳门、香港;经共享针筒感染HIV吸毒人数比例由高至低是台湾、国内、澳门、香港。

Results:There was an improvement rate of 65.3% for diabetic macular edemas and 83.3% for retinal vein occlusions.

视网膜静脉阻塞性黄斑水肿治疗有效 5 0眼( 83.3 %),视力提高 2 8眼( 46 。7%),视力不变 2 0眼( 33 。3%)。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
