英语人>网络例句>占 相关的搜索结果

与 占 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results:The leakage state of patients was divided into mild,moderate and severe degrees according to swelling of the puncture site and local extremity.In this group,mild degree accounted to 62.5%,mild degree accounted to 25.0% and severe accounted to 12.5%.One case with severe degree leakage had developed muscular fasciae syndrome at four hours after injection and had accepted incision and drainage.The others had recovered through coldwarm compressing added local wet compressing with 50% sulfate magnesium.

结果]根据穿刺部位及局部肢体处的肿胀等情况分为轻、中、重三度,本组中轻度62.5%,中度25.0%,重度12.5%,1例重度渗漏病人在注射后4 h出现肌筋膜高压综合征而行切开引流,其余病人均经过冷热敷加50%硫酸镁局部湿敷后恢复。

In order to assess the change of triploid populus tomentoza pulp plantation long-term-site productivity, The paper studied on effects of aboveground litterfall, fine root turnover and wet dust precipitation in nutrient cycling of triploid populus tomentoza pulp plantations at different ages,namely 2a、4a、5a、6a.It studied influence of different factors on decomposition of leaf、tree bark and twig of triploid populus tomentoza to select the operations to accelerate the decomposition and nutrient release. Finally, it studied influence of different intercrops on plantation site productivity and the relationship of intercrops and triploid populus tomentoza to select suitable intercrops. The main results as follows:(1)The aboveground litterfall of triploid populus tomentoza increased along with age from 216.03±59.7gm~(-2) at 3a to 482.38±101.3gm~(-2) at 7a, The N returned by litterfall wasl8.38±2.46kg.hm~(-2)a~-121.63±2.25kg.hm~(-2a~-139.51±4.61kg.hm~(-2a~-138.89±4.89kg.hm~(-2a~(-1) at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively. The P returned by litterfall was 5.80±0.62kg.hm~(-2)a~(-1)、8.16±0.94kg.hm~(-2)a~(-1), 11.31±1.33kg.hm~(-2)a~(-1)、11.76±1.37kg.hm~(-2)a~(-1) at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively. The nutrient returned by fine root turnover increased along with age, too. The N returned by fine root turnover was 3.85±0.41kghm~(-2)a~(-1)、5.22±0.63kghm~(-2)a~(-1),7.62±0.89kghm~(-2)a~(-1),9.17±1.22kghm~(-2)a~(-1) at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively. The P returned by fine root turnover was 0.73±0.07kghm~(-2)a~(-1)、1.69±0.09kghm~(-2) a~(-1)、1.92±0.31kghm~(-2)a~(-1)、1.96±0.21kghm~(-2)a~(-1) at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively. The leaf was the principal pathway to return nutrient to soil among litterfall, fine root turnover and wet dust precipitation. The proportion of returned N by leaf was 74.84%、71.96%、78.58%、75.03% at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively,The proportion of returned P by leaf was 85.93%、80.31%、83.04%、83.23% at 3a、5a、6a、7a respectively. Therefore, it is important to protect and utilize the leaf in order to maintenance and enhance the long-term-site productivity of triploid populus tomentoza pulp plantation.


Seventh lens one: Kneels in ground kowtows, close view side lens two: In frontage scenery my name am George, the American, is a judge, is good, case's approximate situation is this, occupies the gentleman is a veteran, is also the war hero, Hasan is the Arabic nationality American, his occupation is the painter, Xindi is a prostitute, Hasan, because looks down upon is the prostitute Xindi, thought that her occupation is very dirty, thought she is the criminal who has no merit to speak, therefore wants to kill her, but passes by in the implementation murder's process occupies the gentleman to discover, in afterward two person of conflicts, occupied the gentleman to let slip assassinatesHasan, this homicide case's process probably is this.

第七场 镜头一:跪在地上磕头,近景侧面镜头二:正面中景我叫乔治,美国人,是一名法官,好的,案件的大致情况是这样的,士是一名退役军人,也是战争英雄,哈桑是阿拉伯籍美国人,他的职业是画家,辛迪是一名妓女,哈桑因为看不起做妓女的辛迪,觉得她的职业很肮脏,认为她是个一无是处的罪人,所以就想杀死她,但在实施杀人的过程中被路过的士发现,在后来两人的冲突中,士失手刺死了哈桑,这件命案的过程大概就是这样的。

The cost that this graph is mobile phone hardware follows the comparison of cost of software of mobile phone platform, everybody can see mobile phone cost or pretty are tall 2003, mobile phone operating system holds the cost of 10% whole mobile phones at that time, but come down a few years, the hardware price of mobile phone platform is to go down, dropping every year downward, the likelihood still is in surely over there by the price of software, occupy the dimensions of 10% to grow to be occupied this year only from before 25%, so this to a lot of users, I believe to any user it is very big expense, why mobile phone platform cannot quite free, why cannot fall this price lowlier quite, let more user enjoy the service of Internet, this is the platform that Gu Ge follows a lot of companies to roll out Andrord together, a moment ago David Axmark had said the benefit that opens a source.

这个图是手机硬件的成本跟手机平台软件成本的比较,大家可以看到2003年手机成本还是蛮高的,那个时候手机操作系统到10%整个手机的成本,可是几年下来,手机平台的硬件价格是下去了,每年都在往下掉,可能受到软件的价格还是定在那里,从原来只10%的规模成长到今年到25%,所以这一点对于很多用户,我相信对于任何一个用户都是很大的开销,为什么手机平台不能够免费,为什么不能够把这个价格降得更低,让更多用户享受到互联网的服务,这个就是谷歌跟很多公司一起推出Andrord的平台,开源的好处刚才David Axmark已经讲了。

Of clients thought the privacy and treatment could be kept secret. 7% of clients had intimate relationship with their counselors or psychotherapists, 1.5% had sexual relations, and 18.3% made friends in lives. 79% of clients could receive timely psychotherapies and counseling.


Mature teratomas of benign tumors, and said, skin samples cyst is one of the most common ovarian tumor, ovarian tumors by 10%— 20%, germ cell tumors of 85%— 97%, 95% teratomas.


China has managed to use 6% of water resource and less than 10% of tilled land in the world to support 22% of population in the world and attained sustainable and sound social and economic development. Water conservancy has played an irreplaceable role.


Results: The imaging features of subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy were peripheral symmetric halo signal on long T1 and long T2 in cornu anterius ventriculi lateralis, cornu posterius verticuli lateralis and pars centralis.


Mobile phone RF system consists mainly of transceivers, power amplifier and antenna switch. PA might be set in the Front-End-Module or FEM. In 2G, the cost of RF system was only about US $1.5, while In 3G, the cost was increased to between US$6.0 and US$8.0, and the cost will further increased to about US$8.0 to US$10.0 in 4G, obviously, FR system had the highest cost growth during the upgrading of mobile phones.

手机射频系统有三个主要零组件,收发器、功率放大器(Power Amplifier,下简称PA)和天线开关,有时PA包含在前端模块(Front-End-Module,简称FEM)。2G时代的射频系统只大约1.5美元的成本,3G时代则大约6-8美元的成本,4G时代则大约8-10美元的成本,也是手机升级换代成本增加最多的部分。

The company is mainly engaged in silkworm cocoon purchase, and the production, further processing and sale of silk tops, mulberry silk sliver, various fabric blending products series, such as spun silk, cotton and ramie, linters and etc., as well as white steam filature products.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
