英语人>网络例句>占 相关的搜索结果

与 占 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results The rate of consistent condom use each time among prostitutes was 13.64%; the rate of consistent condom use each time among STD clinic attenders when having sex with nonmarital sex partners was 5.05%; the rate of consistent condom use each time among gays having anal sexes in recent six months was 27.66%.

结果 暗娼坚持每次使用安全套者。13.64%;性病门诊就诊者与非婚性伴发生性行为时坚持每次使用安全套者5.05%;男性同性恋者最近6个月与性伴有肛交性行为每次都使用安全套者27.66%。

Results:92 patients (113 ears) were examined by PTHT, AI , 40 Hz AERP,ABR and DPOAE. It was found that organic deafness was confirmed on 98 ears (86.73%), of which exaggerated hearing loss was 38 ears; nonorganic deafness was confirmed on 13 ears (11.50%); stimulated deafness was 2 ears(1.77%). 98 organic deafness ears were diagnosed, of which conductive hearing loss was 25ears; sensorineural hearing loss was 29 ears, and mixed hearing loss was 44 ears.

结果: 92例患者113耳行纯音听阈测试、声导抗、40 Hz AERP、ABR与DPOAE检测,发现器质性聋98耳,86.73%,其中夸大性聋者38耳,夸大程度<20dBnHL6耳,20~40dBnHL27耳,>40dBnHL5耳;非器质性聋13耳,11.50%,诈聋2耳,1.77%;98耳器质性听力损失者中,25耳为传导性耳聋,29耳为感音神经性耳聋,44耳为混合性耳聋。

Results Erythrocyte proportion of measured value of 56.36% and RBCInfo of 53.02% with UF-100 automated urinalysis analyzer .Normocytic rate of 28.52% with Coincidence rate of 100%; Microcytic rate of 16.35% with Coincidence rate of 97.67%; Nonclassifide rate of 55.13% with Coincidence rate of 46.21%.


Results Complications of deep white candidiasis infection inside the hospital mostly took place among patients suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, malignant tumors and nosohemia,accounting for 59.09%.Infection was in direct proportion with the length of hospitalization.The chief factor leading to infection was the long-term use in large doses of wide-spectrum antibiotics,especially the use of the third-period cephalosporins,which are wide in spectrum and strong in killing bacteria.White candidiasis infection results from the composite action of multiple dangerous factors. Ofthose infected,40.91%used hormone and 11.36% used immunosuppressive agents as well as radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The application of trauma examination and curing also created conditions for the occurrence of infection.

结果 发生医院内部白色念珠菌感染多系慢性呼吸系统疾病、恶性肿瘤和血液病患者,59.09%;感染与住院时间成正比;广谱抗生素大剂量、长时间应用,特别是选择广谱、杀菌力强的第三代头狍菌素类是致感染的主要因素;白色念珠菌感染是多种危险因素综合作用的结果,感染者使用激素的40.91%,使用免疫抑制剂及放疗化疗的11.36%,实施插入性操作及各种介入性治疗为感染创造了条件。

Altogether, 5469 individuals and 79 species were observed belonging to 12 orders and 30 families (33 oriental, 32 palaearctic, and 14 widespread species), in which 5 species were second-class, protected wild animals in China.


According to the fauna compositions of mammals, 49 species belong to the oriental realm, about 71.01%, 11 species to the palaearctic realm, about 15.94%, and 9 species are widespread species, about 13.05%.


Avian funna are composed of 44.8 % species of Palaearctic realm species, 40.8% of Orienial realm species and 14.4% of epidemic species.


The results showed that total of palmitic,stearic,oleic,linoleic and linolenic content of walnut was 99% of fat,unsaturated fatty acids was 91% of fat,total of linoleic and linolenic was 60% of fat.


Thirty-two species of wild freshwater fish were collected,belonging to three orders,ten families,and twenty-seven genera,among which,there were twenty-one species of Cypriniformes,four species of Perciformes,and seven species of Siluriformes.


Of 62 cases, one case had according to Harris criterion 56 cases were excellent,(rate 90.3%) and 2 cases good (3.2%) excellent and good rate of the function of the hip joint was 93.5%.[Conclusion]The improved PFN is a useful device in the treatment of perit rochanteric fractures of the femur.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
