英语人>网络例句>占 相关的搜索结果

与 占 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results The investigation showed that there were 19 species and 5 genus mosquitoes in the district, of which, Culex pipiens pallens was the dominant specie, accounting for 61.31%, following with Armigeres subalbatus (22.02%) and Mansonia ochracea Theobald (6.36%).

结果 本次调查显示该地区蚊类有5属17种,淡色库蚊为优势蚊种(61.31%),其次为骚扰阿蚊(22.02%)和黄色曼蚊(6.36%);季节消长呈单峰型,以7月下旬密度最高。

objective to study the correlation among psychosomatic health factors,depression,anxiety and sleep status in college students,to analyze influence factors in sleep status.methods with questionnaire opened in-vestigation,200college students were evaluated using cornell medical index,self-rating depression,self-rating anxiety scaleand pittsburgh sleep quality index.stepwise regression analysis was used.re-sults total score of sds was35.55±7.8,and sas was0.48±0.9.each score of cmi was higher than normal range,the highest was digestion system,next was respiration system,then,fatigue,eyes and ears,anxiety,sensitivity,tension,maladjustment in turn.total average score of psqi was6.32±3.6,ordinary sleep were115cases(57.5%),good and bad sleep were42(21%)and43(21.5%)cases respectively.influence factors in total score of psqi were sas,cmi,respiration system,anxiety,past healthy,digestion system,fatigue,sensitivity,sds and malad-justment in turn,using stepwise regression analysis,total score of psqi as dependent variable,each factor score of cmi,total score of sds and sas as independent variables.conclusion problems of psychosomatic health,anxiety and depression could both lead to sleep disorder.

目的 研究在校大学生心身健康因素及抑郁焦虑等与睡眠状况的相关性,并对影响睡眠状况的有关因素进行分析。方法采用问卷式的开放性研究,对在校的200名大学生进行康奈尔心身健康问卷、自评抑郁量表、焦虑自评量表和匹兹堡睡眠质量量表的测定,采用逐步回归分析方法。结果 sds总分为35.55±7.8、sas总分为0.48±0.9,cmi评分:消化系统最为严重评分为2.52,其次为呼吸系统、疲劳感、眼和耳、焦虑、敏感、紧张、不适应等,评分均高于正常常模。psqi总均分为6.32±3.6,一般睡眠有115例57.5%,睡眠质量较好42例21.0%,睡眠质量较差43例21.5%。评估对睡眠状况的影响程度,以psqi总分为因变量,选择cmi各因子分和sds、sas总分作为自变量,进行多因素逐步回归分析,进入方程的因素依据标准化偏回归系数,影响psqi总分的因素依次为sas总分、cmi总分、呼吸系统、焦虑、既往健康、消化系统、疲劳感、敏感、sds总分、不适应(f=226.8;p.01;r=0.73)。结论心身健康问题和焦虑抑郁可导致睡眠障碍。

While the most dismally traditional astrologers referred to these angular relationships as "malefic" or "evil" due to the dynamic and challenging quality of the interaction between the 2 planets involved, the Hamburg School astrologers and the later Cosmobiologists and Uranian astrologers have continually verified that these are the most energetic angular relationships and therefore of greater significance for personal growth, and for prognosis of significant change and developmental periods.

90dial 盘的基本定理不是那么复杂, dial 是基于 4 倍相位的,把 360 度圆分成 4 个相等的部分 360 ÷ 4 = 90 ,根据星家们几个世纪的经验,对应传统相位的合相 0 度,刑相( 90 度和 270 度)和冲相 180 度的 4 倍相位,是行星间非常有力的关键相位,由于产生这这个相位的两颗行星互相改变与挑战对方,许多传统的星学家会认为这个相位是有害的,甚至邪恶的,汉堡星学家和稍微晚一些的宇宙生物学家经过长期的经验,认为 90 度相位是非常有力的基本角状角度,所以对个人成长非常有利,对日后的改变与发展非常有利。

In control group,10 cases were followed to 6 monthaged.Eight cases occurred ventriculus enlarging,covering 80%.Three cases appeared obvious locomotion and intelligence hypoevolutism;2 cases occurred slight disturbance of cognition and behavior.


Notable is, after 3 quarters suffer financial storm to make a surprise attack, the investigation that buys deed in the light of user network shows, those who reduce network shopping behavior occupy only 21%, increase what the network shops to occupy 28%, do not have vicissitudinous basically to occupy 51%.


Results In these patients who suffered acute mountain sickness, 5.4%had coma in different grades, 5% had abalienation, 4% had lethargy, 1% had paresthesia cacesthesia, 1.48% had eyeground haemorrhage or eyeguound edema, 1% had aberrated in intracranial CT.

结果 急性高原病患者中5.4%有不同程度昏迷,5%有精神异常,4%有嗜睡,1%有感觉异常,1.48%有眼底出血或水肿,1%有颅内CT异常;在这部分病人中高原脑水肿总病例数的10%,在高原脑水肿病例中脑功能障碍比例明显增高,其中精神行为异常者51%,有不同程度昏迷者51.5%。

There were 53.9%of abducent nerve had one stem in cavernous sinus,29.4%of them had two stems and 17.7%of them had 3 stems.

眼神经在窦内的长度为15.8±6.2 mm。展神经在窦内为单干者52.9%(18侧);2干者29.4%(10侧);3干者17.7%(6侧)。

Leaf-feeders are the major onesJO species,35.71% of the insect pests community, Leaf-suckersare the second ones,6 species ,21.43% of the insect pests community,and insect pests of Coleoptera are the third ones,5 species ,17.86% of the insect pests community, and there are some Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera,Acarina pests. There are over 16 species of natural enemies from 12 Familias, 8 Ordos ,and 2 Classes.


Result: The rate of using acesodyne in cancer patients were higher: Bucinnazine Hydrochloride Injection(85.5%)、Morphine sulfate controlled-release tablets(91.1%)、and Fentanyl Transdermal System(95.6%). The dosage of aspirin was least (1.1%). The acesodyne using from the first ladder were 16.6% in this 30 cancer patients.


Fifty-four strains of pathogens were isolated from 28 cases with VAP, the percentages of Gram-negative bacilli, Gram-positive cocci and fungi were 83.33%, 7.41% and 9.26% respectively. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Achromobacter xylosoxidans were the most common pathogens.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
