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与 占 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The profiles of Automatic Amino Acid Analyzer showed that the total content of free amino acid in hydrolysates was 3.233%, the proportion of essential amino acid in total amino acid was 30.776%, the proportion of sapor amino acid was 38.324%, and the proportion of drug-effective amino acid was 75.286%.


In common with other populations of Han nationality in North China, the present population revealed a high frequency of ⅡB (0.2135), and a slightly higher frequency of n (0.5016) than that of m (0.4984). High frequency of Le (24.17%) was observed. Among 94 individuals tested, 4 cases of Le were found to be ABH secretor secreting A or B substances but not H substance. A total of

在94人中还发现四名Le型属于ABH分泌型,且都属于分泌A或B血型物质的类型,无一例为分泌H血型物质的类型; Rh阴性率仅0.3%,CCDee和CcDE型75%以上; P_1型39.1%; ABH分泌型72%,低于全国其他民族中已知的分布。

The top three reasons of did not visit a doctor were the "self-judgment of a light sickness","medical care costing too much","self-treatment".According to the two surveys,the medical units of regular attendance were community health service centers.In 2007,the top three reasons of the participants when selecting a hospital to see a doctor were "near home and convenience"(61.62%),"with reimbursement of medical cost"(59.73%),"better medical technology and equipment"(21.13%).


Drop water does not enter 30, occupy 16.0%, can enter fluidity 121, occupy 64.7%, the person that can eat semifluid and soft food 36, occupy 19.3%.


Harsh crack laws account only for a smidgeon of the disparity in incarceration rates. In 2006 blacks were 37.5% of state prisoners; exclude drug offenders and that figure drops to 37%.


As a result depart leads the 0.32% rises to 2006 0.81%; from 2000 to guard ill area in order to weigh disease detached bacterium is most, 68.9% what take individual plant of total detached bacterium, it is ill area of kidney internal medicine next, occupy 13.5%; to be in example sending check 62.3% what with uric fluid specimen individual plant counts detached bacterium to hold total detached number at most, it is phlegmy fluid next 10.2%.


Methods: The clinical data of 68 cases of testicular torsion and spermatic cord torsion were summarizd and analyed.


These patients, spina bifida for 1 of these patients, and "other" for 7 of these patients.


Of the 65 women who had a stillbirth, 17 (26%) did not see the dead baby, 14 (22%) saw but did not hold it, and 34 (52%) held it.


When PO3-4-P concentrations exceeded 0.010mg·L-1, the TAPA was significant difference (P<0.01).②The contents of APA in phytoplankton, bacteria and dissolved were different. The ratio of DAPA to TAPA was the highest and BAPA was the smallest.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
